
  1. 金融资产管理公司(AMC)是为配合债转股而组建的一类特殊金融机构,但在具体运作上还存在至少三大问题:一是AMC应该形成什么样的产权结构最合理;

    The assets management company ( AMC ) is a kind of special organization founded for coordinating debt-equity swap . But there are at least three problems during operation : first , whois the most reasonable founder of AMC ;

  2. 而国有企业的产权结构不合理以及由此导致的预算软约束和法人治理结构的缺损,是导致其自身无法摆脱困境,并致使融资制度陷入困境的重要原因;

    The financing institution predicament results from the soft constraints of budgets and the limitation of corporation structure .

  3. 目前我国国有企业公司化改造过程中的突出问题是企业内部产权结构不合理。

    At present , China 's state-owned enterprises face an evidently problem that enterprise property rights structure irrational .

  4. 其主要的内部制约因素是京郊集体乡镇企业的产权结构不合理,由此导致了乡镇企业公司治理不完善、激励与约束机制不健全等问题。

    Obscure ownership , bad corporate governance and bad mechanism of encouragement and restriction are the main interior factors .

  5. 我国历史上长期存在产业结构、地区结构、企业结构、产权结构不合理的矛盾。

    There exists historical long-standing contradiction of the unreasonable structure on industry , region , corporation and property right in our country .

  6. 有效的治理结构主要包括三个部分:明晰的产权结构,合理的组织结构和有效的激励约束机制。

    Effective corporate governance structure consists of three parts : the clear property rights structure , reasonable organizational Structure and effective incentive and restraint mechanisms .

  7. 产权结构不合理、管理体制不完善、行政干预明显、历史包袱沉重等问题极大地制约了其进一步的发展。

    Problems like unreasonable property right , imperfect management system , obvious administrative intervention , lumbersome historical burden , have become its further development shackles .

  8. 二是国有企业产权结构不合理,主要体现在股东大会、董事会权力弱化和内部人控制现象严重这两方面。

    The second one is poor arrangement of property right structure in state-owned enterprise , mainly reflects in the gradually reduced power of board of shareholders and board of directors ;

  9. 作为一种制度安排,良好的民营银行公司治理中包括清晰的产权结构、合理的资本结构、良好的制衡机制、有效的激励机制及严格的信息披露制度等基本内容。

    As a system arrangement , basic content of a fine corporate governance of private bank includes clear property right structure , rational capital structure , good balance mechanism , effective incentive mechanism and strict information announcing system , etc. .

  10. 民营化后形成的各种经济产权结构还不尽合理,对其进一步民营化仍然有潜力。

    Also there is potential space of further privatization because the economic structure of all sorts of ownership is unreasonable after privatization beginning .

  11. 本文主要阐述的观点是公司治理结构和公司的控制权密切相关,而控制权决定了公司的产权结构,所以建立合理的公司治理结构必须从建立合理的产权结构开始。

    The corporate governance structure and control power are closely related with , and control power has determined the property right structure of the company , so setting up rational administration structure must begin from set up rational property right structure .

  12. 产权决定论认为产权结构的不合理是我国商业银行效率低下的根源所在。

    The property rights theory claim that the improper structure of property rights is the source of low efficiency .