
  • 网络maternity allowance
  1. (生育)津贴和福利计划固然重要,但在这个问题上,性冷淡也是一个关键性的因素。

    As much as subsidies and welfare programmes are important , sexlessness is also a critical issue in this problem .

  2. 凡参加生育保险的女职工,产假期间企业停发工资,由社会保险机构发给生育津贴和支付生育医疗费用。

    Every joins the female worker of birth insurance , the company stops hair salary during maternity leave , send by social insurance device birth allowance and pay birth medical treatment fee .

  3. 生育保险支付待遇主要包括:因生育发生的医疗费用和产假期间按月发放的生育津贴等。

    The insurance benefits cover mainly medical treatment for childbirth and monthly childbirth allowance for employees during maternity leave .