
  • 网络accessibility;Barrier Free;barrier-free
  1. 老年人取药器之无障碍设计研究

    Design and Research of Barrier Free Drug Packaging for the Old Men

  2. 对无障碍建筑物给排水设计的几点认识

    On Water Systems Design for Barrier Free Civil Buildings

  3. 但透明物体不会吸收或散射光,至少吸收或散射的程度不高。光线可以在不弯曲或无障碍的情况下穿过它们。

    But a transparent object doesn 't absorb or scatter light , at least not very much , Light can pass through it without bending or stopping .

  4. 他和他的团队“盲人无障碍世界组织”负责教盲人如何使用声纳。

    He and his group , World Access for the Blind , teach others how to use sonar .

  5. 针对视障人士的Web无障碍网站建设与测评研究

    A Study of Accessible Website Construction and Evaluation for Visual Impaired

  6. 基于RFID技术的无障碍门禁管理

    The management of trouble-free entrance guard based on RFID technology

  7. 通过美国手语(americansignlanguage,orasl),聋人可以无障碍地表达英语单词。

    Deaf people may have no trouble communicating English words through American Sign language , or asl .

  8. 在Internet时代,人们希望信息能够像快餐一样被打包起来:能够快速无障碍使用,并且分为很小的单位(或者是以字节大小为单位?)

    In the Internet age , people want information packaged like fast food : served instantly , hassle-free , and in bite-size ( or is that byte-size ?) morsels .

  9. 针对这些问题,本文引入一种完善解决方案,即采用会话边缘控制(SessionBorderControl,SBC)方案解决NAT/防火墙穿透问题,实现网络的端到端无障碍互通。

    In this sense , Session Border Control ( SBC ), a new solution is introduced to realize NAT / firewall traversal and seamless network access .

  10. 无障碍快速自旋回波序列(FSE),大大提高了MRI扫描膝关节的效率。

    The accessibility of fast spin-echo ( FSE ) sequences has greatly enhanced the time efficiency of knee MRI .

  11. 一些信息产业的领导者,例如IBM也开始在其产品和服务中制定并贯彻信息无障碍的理念和标准。

    Some of the information industry leader such as IBM have also take steps in heir products and services to develop and implement the concept of information accessibility .

  12. 依据Agent感知器原理,设计感知中心,在感知中心设立一个通道,通过该通道,系统可以与分布式、异构系统之间进行无障碍通信。

    Based on Agent perceptron principle , we design a perception center . In the center , we design a channel . Through the channel , the forwarding system can communicate with distributed , heterogeneous systems .

  13. 将RFID(RadioFrequencyIdentification)标签应用在物联网中,与传统条码相比,它有快速扫描,重复使用,无障碍阅读,记忆的数据容量大,安全等优点。

    Applying RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) tag in Object Network , Compare to conventional bar code , and the RFID tag has several advantages . Such as faster scanning , repeatedly using , un-obstacle reading , huge memory capability , security .

  14. 结论使用本文设计的LIS系统的应急预案,能实现检验科无障碍工作。

    The writers of article applied the emergency pre-plan of LIS system described in this article and proved the possible realization of barrier-free service in laboratory department .

  15. 结果阴道成形术30例,4个月成形部分黏膜全部转换为正常阴道黏膜,阴道长度为(8.38±1.27)cm,性生活无障碍者25例;

    Results The parts of shaped peritoneum were changed into mucous membrane after 4 months in the 30 cases of vaginoplasty completed . The length of vagina was ( 8.38 ± 1.27 ) cm , 25 cases had no discomfort in sexual intercourse ;

  16. 该系统通过GPRS网络实现采集信息的无障碍交互,现场监测和远程遥测可以及时获取烟花爆竹集装箱运输的动态数据,能及时掌握运输船舶各项监测数据变化。

    The system can be achieved through the GPRS network collected information accessible interactive , on-site monitoring and remote telemetry can timely obtain the fireworks container transport firsthand data , this system is able to grasp the transport ship of the monitoring data changes .

  17. 首先,对WAIM模型进行了介绍,并结合我国国情对网站无障碍建设相关联的各要素及其相互关系进行了分析。

    First , WAIM model was introduced , and then the elements and their relationship of web accessibility were analyzed .

  18. 运用异构数据库、跨库检索技术与Z39.50协议结合检索各种数据库的技术,从而实现信息检索的无障碍操作。

    The paper introduces the application of cross searching technique for heterogeneous databases and Z39.50 Protocol in higher vocational & technical colleges library .

  19. 目的:探讨电脑辅助语言训练系统(无障碍电脑语言系统U1)在失语症患者语言训练中的效果。

    AIM : To explore the efficacy of computer based language training system ( non obstacle computer language system U1 ) in the language training in patients with aphasia .

  20. 优步(Uber)和密歇根州马科姆(Macomb)县合作启动了一个试点计划,为陪审员提供免费乘车服务,并在几个城市启动了增多有轮椅无障碍车辆的优步司机的项目。

    Uber has launched a pilot project with Macomb County in Michigan to offer free rides for jurors and has begun a programme in several cities to increase the number of Uber drivers with wheelchair-accessible vehicles .

  21. 其中,在无障碍物的环境里,选择3对天线,4个最近邻标签的情况下,平均定位误差为0.25m,且误差小于0.4m的概率为90%。

    In the environment without obstacle , using 3 pair of antennas and 4 nearest neighbor tags , the average location error is 0.25m , the probability of the error which is less than 0.4m is 90 % .

  22. 除了能够解决带宽需求以外,Li-Fi相对于WiFi的优势还有:能够在飞机和医院等场合无障碍使用,甚至在WiFi不能到达的水下区域,Li-Fi也能大展拳脚。

    As well as being a potential solution to our ever-increasing hunger for bandwidth , Li-Fi has other advantages over WiFi , such as being safe to use on an aircraft , in hospitals and medical devices , and even underwater , where WiFi doesn 't work at all .

  23. 关于构建无障碍住宅技术体系的初步研究

    The Barrier-Free Designing Research of Marking System for Senior Citizen Housing

  24. 浅析老年人居住空间无障碍设计

    Analysis on the barrier-free design of living space for aged people

  25. 使女性领导干部从政道路再无障碍。

    Make the politics road of the women cadres to barrier-free .

  26. 陆教授首先介绍无障碍网页的基本概念。

    Professor Lu first introduced the basic concept of web accessibility .

  27. 同时,我国的无障碍设施建设工作也存在诸多问题。

    Meanwhile , our non-barrier facility construction also has many problems .

  28. 老年人行为分析与产品无障碍设计策略

    Analyses of the Senior Citizens ' Behavior and Barrier-free Design Strategies

  29. 武汉经济圈共推无障碍旅游

    Cooperation and Development of Regional Tourism in Wuhan Economic Cycle

  30. 景区公共卫生间无障碍专用卫生间的对比分析研究。

    Make comparison and analysis of the scenic barrier-free toilet . 7 .