
  1. 博尔捷汇集HR等行业精英,依托覆盖全国的地面平台和网络平台,为客户提供定制的贴心服务。

    Supported by elites from industries such as HR as well as general and network platform over the whole country , BRIDGE HR could provide tailor-made considerate services for clients .

  2. 行业精英会聚珠海共商航空航天发展大计&2002中国国际航空航天高峰论坛

    China International Aviation & Aerospace Forum Held in Zhuhai

  3. 公司聚集了一批资深的行业精英,有策划、创作大量优秀稿件的能力。

    Gathering many senior elites in the industry , we are able to mastermind and produce many excellent works .

  4. 优质的产品和专业的经营,让公司成为壁纸业中的行业精英。

    Our company became to the wall paper trade elite rely on the high quality products and professional management .

  5. 行业精英纵论2004实业前线预测2005一个国际刀具制造商视野中的中国市场现状与未来

    Review for 2004 and Outlook for 2005 Actuality and Future of the Chinese Market in an International Tool Manufacturer 's Sight

  6. 为满足雅库日益发展壮大的需求,特面向全国招募酒店、餐饮行业精英人才。

    To meet the demand of the rapid development of Yakool Group , we are now recruiting worldwide hotel and catering talent .

  7. 参与演讲讨论的嘉宾均为酒店业学术界翘楚、顶级咨询师、酒店行业精英等等。

    The guests participating the lecturing and discussion are all academic outstandings in hotel industry , top consultant and hotel elites , etc.

  8. 张子琴希望通过携手协会和社会团体,汇集各行业精英,共同创建“和谐物流”。

    Zhang Ziqin wishes to gather elites in various sectors , and co-found " harmonious logistics " together with associations and social groups .

  9. 2006年7月,作为行业精英,五洋参与制定和修正了双针床经编机行业标准。

    Apr , 2006 , as one of the best company , WUYANG instituted and revise the Profession standards of the Bar Warp Loom .

  10. 长城来到越南市场,我希望与越南各位IT行业精英伙伴紧密合作,共同推动越南信息产业的繁荣。

    In Vietnam , I hope we could work very closely with our partners and friends in IT industry , to win our prosperous together .

  11. 精选博文,建立谷歌快讯,在推特上关注行业精英,都能不断让你知晓每天发生的事情。

    Seek out blogs , set up Google alerts , and follow leaders in your industry on Twitter to keep yourself continually in the loop with whats happening each day .

  12. 公司严格按照GB/T9001-2000质量体系标准进行管理,并吸引大量国内外行业精英共同加盟,造就出高素质的员工队伍。

    Our company manages according to the standard of GB / T9001-2000 Quality System strictly , and attracts plenty of elites both at home and abroad to create the qualified staff team .

  13. 开源供应商已经开始雇佣传统教材行业的精英。

    Open-source outfits have begun wooing traditional textbook industry talent over to their cause .

  14. 为客户兢兢业业,带领行业最精英团队,致力提供业内顶级服务。

    We perform work for our clients-aiming for the best service the industry , performed by people who are amongst the best in the business .

  15. 通常,高管人员的秘书待遇好、形象光鲜,还有机会直接接触到各个行业的精英。

    Usually secretaries of senior mangers could have fat salaries , attractive appearances and direct channels to reach all kinds of elites in many industries 。

  16. 南京阳益调查公司有着一支年轻专业的调查团队,他们是来自各行业的精英人才,他们热爱调查,忠于职守。

    We are a young investigation team , the team members have various background , we have passion for investigation , and are dedicated to our job .

  17. 因此,他们(保险行业的精英)总觉得他们应该要以推广保险,为每一位客户带来最大的保障为行业使命。

    Therefore , they , the elite of insurance , feel great responsible for promoting the function of insurance and bring the customers a comprehensive protection as a sense of mission .

  18. 面对如此大规模的石油、金融行业的精英们的搏弈战,作为国际石油贸易的平台公司永创将有什么样的看法、想法和作法呢?!

    Faced with such a large-scale oil & financial sector 's elite warfare , as an international oil trading platform company Novel Trading Limited will have what kind of views , ideas and actions !

  19. 中国无线营销市场已风声水起,越来越多行业的精英加入到无线营销这个领域中,无线营销的应用与商业模式成为产业链上各环节关心的问题。

    With the increasingly rapid development of wireless marketing in China , more and more elites and companies of the information industry have been engaged in the field of wireless marketing . Applications and business models of wireless marketing have gradually become the key link of the entire industrial chain .

  20. MrLerner认为在5到10年内,中国的私人直接投资公司将进入该行业的全球精英行列中。

    Mr Lerner reckons that within five to ten years Chinese private-equity firms will have joined the industry 's global elite .

  21. 而麒麟游戏的研发团队却笼络了行业内的精英。

    And the group of research and development of kylin game however draw over the elite inside the industry .

  22. 十年之后,决定投身应用程序开发行业的技术精英们可能会后悔当初没上一两堂应用数学类课程。

    A decade from now the smart techies who decided to become app developers may wish they had taken an applied-mathematics class or two .

  23. 在这些会议上,谷歌以及它的竞争对手们可以进行演说、与行业中的许多精英人士见面。

    There , Google and its competitors can give presentations and office hours with a high concentration of members of the industry .

  24. 我碰到过很多成功女性,有的是成功的律师,有的是一些赢利性行业中的商界精英,但她们在家待了几年后都失去了信心。

    I 've met dozens of successful former lawyers and businesswomen in a range of lucrative fields who lose their confidence after staying home for a few years .

  25. 工厂管理层及生产部门的技术骨干皆由多年行业经验的业界精英组成,加上严谨、科学的管理体系,充分保障了产品质量及交货期,满足了客户要求。

    The management level and technical backbone is composed of outstanding person who has many years'profession experiences , we can satisfy the customers'requirement by safeguarded the quality , delivery date and scientific management system .

  26. 这是那些被认为是行业和媒体的精英们投的票,而那些人一生都没买过一张专辑或是一张演唱会的票,所以他们的投票跟我毫无关系。

    It 's voted on by the supposed elite for the industry and the media , who 've never bought an album or concert ticket in their lives , so their vote is irrelevant to me .