
  1. 按照EtienneWenger(一位公认的实践社区专家)的观点,实践社区

    According to Etienne Wenger ( a recognized expert on Communities of Practice ), Communities of Practice

  2. 主要是抽取相关社区专家8名,各自提出对于社区卫生服务当前发展趋势的新的建议和创新举措,借鉴各行各业的创新管理方法,提出创新型的想法。

    I chose eight experts who is relevant to CHS , put forward their for community health service the current development trend of new Suggestions and innovation measures , from all walks of life innovation management , puts forward an innovative idea .

  3. 结果实际到社区坐诊专家少;

    RESULTS Experts providing medical service are actually not enough ;

  4. Knaul教授在发展中国家工作时遇到了社区卫生专家。

    Professor Knaul met community health workers during her work in developing countries .

  5. 先前我们与一些熟知俾格米人社区的专家进行了交流,他们说建一个电台吧。

    So we talked with some experts who know the pygmy communities very well , and they said let 's have a radio station .

  6. 但是资产生产是分别由各个社区(域专家所在地)自行形式化的。

    But the asset production is formalized in the respective communities , where the domain expertise resides .

  7. 来自各个社区的域专家在其社区中生产资产或者同资产生产团队协同工作。

    The domain experts from the communities produce the assets or work with asset production teams in the communities .

  8. 资产生产也同样由中心管理,并且来自各个社区的域专家参与到中心生产团队中。

    The asset production is also centrally managed , and domain experts from the communities participate in the central production team .

  9. 社区主题事物专家贴近资产生产活动,并且往往是那些生产资产或者同资产生产密切联系的团队。

    The community subject matter experts are close to the asset production activities , and often are the ones who produce the assets , or work closely with the asset production team .

  10. 很明显,敏捷社区比较偏向基于专家经验的评估,而不是基于算法的方法。当然它不能全部排除使用功能点分析。

    It is clear that the Agile community gives preference to expertise-based estimation techniques over algorithmic methods ; however , it does not fully exclude using FP-based analysis .