
ǎi xīnɡ xì
  • dwarf
  1. 这种无序使得在矮星系中心测量暗物质的密度非常难。

    That makes it a lot harder to gauge the density of dark matter as you get closer to the center of the dwarf .

  2. 矮星系Segue2只拥有1000颗恒星,成为已知的最小的星系。

    With just 1000 stars , the dwarf galaxy Segue 2 becomes the smallest one known .

  3. SN1987A位于邻近的大麦哲伦星云,一个毗连我们银河系的矮星系。

    SN1987A is sited in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud , a dwarf galaxy adjacent to our own Milky Way Galaxy .

  4. 类星体或矮星系可使这些元素散布得更不平均。

    Quasars or dwarf galaxies would scatter the elements more unevenly .

  5. 第三项矛盾与矮星系的数目有关。

    A third inconsistency has to do with the number of dwarf galaxies .

  6. 但是沃克尔和帕那偌比亚找到了测量矮星系中心密度的方法。

    But Walker and Pe ñ arrubia figured out a way to do it anyway .

  7. 从这片区域,你可以看到叫做麦哲伦星云的矮星系。

    From this reserve , you can see a duo of dwarf galaxies called the Magellanic clouds .

  8. 在图中央偏左处的明亮扭曲天体实际上是两个相互碰撞的矮星系。

    The bright , distorted object at middle , left , is actually two colliding dwarf galaxies .

  9. 讨论了在以冷暗物质为主的宇宙中,超新星爆发对矮星系演化的反馈作用。

    The feedback effect of supernova explosions on dwarf galaxies in the cold dark matter dominated universe is studied .

  10. 矮星系之间的如此遭遇通常发生在几十亿光年之外,也就是几十亿年之前。

    Such encounters between dwarf galaxies are normally seen billions of light-years away and therefore occurred billions of years ago .

  11. 作为应用,本文分析了矮星系并合形成大星系这一模型中成团超新星爆发时能量传播的各个阶段。

    As an application , we analyze the energy propagation during collective SN explosions in a merging model of galaxy formation .

  12. 通过随后的数据分析,其信号源位于一个距离地球约30亿光年的矮星系中。

    Analysis of data later located the source of the signal coming from a dwarf galaxy three billion light years away .

  13. 白矮星是掌握本章材料的重要出发点。第三项矛盾与矮星系的数目有关。

    White dwarfs provide an important beginning for understanding the material in this chapter . A third inconsistency has to do with the number of dwarf galaxies .

  14. 不过从暗蓝星系问题得到的宇宙学双星系演化结论是很模糊的,尽管目前主流的观点认为是蓝矮星系造成了暗蓝星系的过剩。

    Nevertheless , the conclusion from the study of faint blue galaxies is still very vague , although it is generally believed that the blue dwarfs cause the excess .

  15. 那些惊人的大爆炸(形成的宇宙风)将物质席卷一空,最后(星系形成的中心区域就)只剩下矮星系。这很像许多独立电影中描述的景象:夜空中闪烁着点点星光。

    Those spectacular explosions literally blow matter away , and you 're left with a dwarf galaxy that 's a lot like most independent films : a bit light on stars .

  16. 但是在最近的研究中,研究人员们使用了哈勃天文望远镜上安装的超级相机采集到的数据。有了这个设备,研究者们便可以仔细观察较小的矮星系。

    But in this latest study , researchers used data collected by a powerful camera aboard the Hubble Space Telescope . With this instrument , they could eyeball smaller , dwarf galaxies .

  17. 随著宇宙持续不断地小型化,那些仅包含数百万颗恒星但却是宇宙中为数最多的矮星系,将是形成恒星的主要据点。

    As the cosmic downsizing continues , the dwarf galaxies-which hold only a few million stars each but are the most numerous type of galaxy in the universe-will become the primary hot spots of star formation .

  18. 基于银河系对毗连的矮星系的引力作用,研究人员作出一项新的估计:银河系比过去的测量更强大。过去的测量是以大质量恒星的运动为基础。

    A new estimate , based on its effect on the motion of a nearby dwarf galaxy , has the Milky Way a bit beefier than some past measurements that relied on the motions of massive stars .

  19. 主角是位于天炉座的赛弗特星系NGC1097,它的小伙伴&矮椭圆星系NGC1097A,位于图像左上。

    A comparatively tiny elliptical companion galaxy , NGC1097A , is also visible in the top left .