
xínɡ shì jū liú
  • criminal detention
  1. 我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。

    We are placing your son in criminal detention .

  2. 其中正文主要内容为:第一章:刑事拘留滥用问题及其表现形式。

    Primary content for the body : Chapter ⅰ: criminal detention abuse and its form .

  3. 蒲某被以涉嫌非法传播虚假恐怖信息刑事拘留。

    Pu had been detained for allegedly fabricating and spreading fake terrorism information .

  4. 第一节从立法上的原因分析刑事拘留的立法存在缺陷。

    On the first section from legislative analysis of the causes of criminal detention legislation is flawed .

  5. 最后,强调加强对刑事拘留的司法救济,保障犯罪嫌疑人应有的权利。

    Finally , the emphasis on strengthening judicial relief to criminal detention , guarantee the rights of suspects .

  6. 据《郑州晚报》报道,该女子名为黎芳芳,已于昨日被当地警方刑事拘留。

    The Zhengzhou Evening News said the woman , Li Fangfang , was detained by local police three days later .

  7. 刑事拘留是我国刑事诉讼中五大强制措施之一,在我国刑事诉讼制度中具有重要地位。

    Criminal Detention is one of the five criminal coercive measures , and has significant position in Chinese criminal procedure .

  8. 首先从立法角度上完善刑事拘留的条件,科学限定其期限。

    First of all , from the legislative point of view of perfecting the criminal detention conditions , scientific limited duration .

  9. 刑事拘留由于缺乏外部监督,和存在立法上的漏洞,其滥用问题严重。

    Criminal charges due to lack of external oversight , and there is a loophole in the legislation , its abuse seriously .

  10. 第一节主要介绍刑事拘留实际操作存在的问题,及司法实践中滥用刑事拘留的各种表现形式。

    Section I focuses on problems of criminal detention practices , and the manifestations of abuse in judicial practice in criminal detention .

  11. 目前,涉案的两名犯罪嫌疑人陈某和徐某已被即墨警方依法刑事拘留。

    Currently , the two suspects involved in Chen and Xu , Jimo , police have been under criminal detention according to law .

  12. 目前,李某等主要犯罪嫌疑人已被牡丹警方依法刑事拘留,其余人员也已得到相应处罚。

    Currently , Lee and other major suspects have been detained Peony police criminal law , the remaining personnel have been punished accordingly .

  13. 刑事拘留与行政拘留虽然都是暂时剥夺人身自由,但是性质却截然不同。

    Criminal custody and administrative custody , though both depriving of man 's freedom for the time being , are guite different in nature .

  14. 再者,加强检查机关和审判机关对刑事拘留的监督与制约,使其置于合理的状态下适用。

    Moreover , strengthening the supervision of inspection bodies and judicial authorities for criminal detention and restriction , applicable to in a reasonable State .

  15. 刑事拘留措施在实践中处于失范状态的成因有很多,本文认为最主要的原因是拘留的决定权、期限延长权及撤销权几乎不受监督和制约。

    This paper argues the primary reason is almost no one can control and supervise the decision , term and revocation of criminal detention .

  16. 浙江省丽水市警方已经撤销了对《经济观察报》记者仇子明采取刑事拘留的决定。

    Police in Lishui City , Zhejiang Province , have removed Qiu Ziming , a reporter from the Economic Observer , from their wanted list .

  17. 考察地是我国西部某中等城市:样本是该市某区刑事拘留的运行现状;

    The investigation place is a middle city in west China ; the sample is the operation conditions of criminal detention of that city 's district ;

  18. 治理不当审讯,应对不同强制措施之下的审讯时空进行严格限制,降低刑事拘留、逮捕的证明标准,对侦查机关的目标考核制度进行结构性调整。

    To eradicate the improper interrogation , we shall limit the conditions of the interrogation , lower the demands of arrest and detention , and systematically reform the target assessment system .

  19. 结论1.高考,刑事拘留,睡眠剥夺均可以作为应激原而引起心理方面的改变,本文的研究人群可以作为应激的研究对象。

    Exam , Criminal detainees , Sleep deprivation can be as stressors to change the psychology and the study population of this article can be as the object of stress study . 2 .

  20. 对缓刑罪犯又涉嫌新罪、漏罪的,诉讼程序应采取直接刑事拘留、逮捕。

    A criminal whose sentence is suspended should be directly detained and arrested on the occasion he commits a new crime or it is discovered another crime for which he is not sentenced .

  21. 其次,增强取保候审的法定功能,同等情况下优先适用取保候审,让刑事拘留占主流的老一套刑事案件办理模式退出历史舞台。

    Second , strengthen the statutory functions of bail , the same circumstances prevail on bail , was routine criminal cases handled by criminal detention accounted for mainstream models from the stage of history .

  22. 侦查实践中,不当审讯的存在,有其特定时间和空间条件,侦查机关的目标考核和较高的刑事拘留、逮捕的证明标准是其体制根源与制度症结。

    There usually exists preferable condition in time and space for improper interrogation . The sticking point of it is the target-assessment system of the investigation organs and the relatively higher demand of proof for arrest and detention .

  23. 第二节阐述犯罪嫌疑人被拘留过程中权利无法保障的现象,讲述一些毫无必要而采取的一些刑事拘留的实例,及其导致的各种不利后果。第二章:分析刑事拘留滥用的原因。

    The second section covers crime suspects are in custody rights cannot be guaranteed , some taken to clarify some of the unnecessary instances of criminal detention , and the resulting negative consequences . Chapter ⅱ: analysis of criminal detention causes of abuse .

  24. 职务犯罪侦查中应确立刑事司法拘留制度刑罚的轻重,应当与犯罪分子所犯罪行和承担的刑事责任相适应。

    Establishment of the Criminal Justice System of Detention in Job-related Crimes Investigation The severity of punishments must be commensurate with the crime committed by an offender and the criminal responsibility he bears .

  25. 违反国家或地方性法律法规被追究刑事责任或拘留、劳教;

    Violating the country or local laws and regulations is investigated the criminal liability or detention , reeducation through labour ;

  26. 官方的新华社周三晚间报道,357名公职人员面临处分,各地已有刑事立案192起,刑事拘留202人。此前储存或运输不当的疫苗被送到59家卫生机构。

    Xinhua , the state news agency , said late on Wednesday that 357 officials are to face punishment , with 192 criminal cases already filed and 202 people detained after improperly stored or transported vaccines were sent to 59 health institutions .

  27. 但在我国的刑事诉讼实践中,相对于刑事拘留和逮捕这两种强制措施而言,取保候审却较少被采用。

    But in the criminal suit practice of our country , compared with the two kinds of compulsory measures as detaining for criminal act and arresting , being out on bail is less adopted .

  28. 在中国刑事诉讼中,未决羁押与刑事拘留、逮捕无论在实体条件还是适用程序上都没有发生分离。

    In Chinese criminal procedure law , pretrial detention is not separated from criminal detention or arrest , whether in terms of substantive conditions or in terms of procedures of application .