
  • 网络Bazhong;bazhong city
  1. 巴中市平昌县是受灾最严重的地区之一。

    Pingchang County of Bazhong City is one of the most affected areas .

  2. 巴中市5例HIV/AIDS感染者的流行特征分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Characteristics for 5 HIV / AIDS cases in Bazhong City

  3. 四川巴中市南龛斜坡变形破坏机制分析与稳定性评价

    Deformation mechanism and stability evaluation of Nankan slope

  4. 洪水肆虐巴中市低势地区,造成交通和通信线路瘫痪,并引发泥石流。

    Flood ravaged low areas of Bazhong City , paralyzing traffic and phone services and causing mudslides .

  5. 以市场为导向的农村职业教育新模式&以四川巴中市培育新型农民为例

    A New Market-oriented Model of Chinese Rural Professional Education & A case study of Bazhong city in Sichuan Province

  6. 欠发达地区山地小城市人居环境建设初探&以巴中市南江县为例

    Exploring Construction of Human Settlements of Small Mountains Towns in Underdeveloped Area-A Case Study of Nanjiang County in Bazhong

  7. 巴中市2人因暴雨冲毁房屋死亡,另有南江县6座房屋被泥石流掩埋,5人失踪。

    In Bazhong City , two people were killed when their house were collapsed by torrential rain . A mudslide in Nanjiang County buried six houses , leaving five people missing .

  8. 同时用灰色系统模型对巴中市建设用地需求量进行预测,并对两种模型的预测结果进行分析,通过加权平均得到了巴中市2010和2020年的建设用地需求量。

    A multivariate linear regression model and a gray model are built for the construction land demand prediction , the weighted average values of the two models are obtained for the construction land demand of 2010 and 2020 of Bazhong city .