
  • 网络jiangmen;Jiangmen city
  1. 目的评价江门市麻疹疫苗(MV)基础免疫的效果及健康人群抗体水平。

    Objective This research was conducted to assess the basic immunization effectiveness of measles vaccine ( MV ) and the level of antibodies in healthy population in Jiangmen city .

  2. 介绍了江门市电化厂对锅炉除尘系统、沉灰池,ADC生产中废水、废酸以及盐泥、氯水和建设综合废水的治理措施。

    The renovations of boiler dust-removing system and dust-condensing cell , and the treatment of waste water , waste acid and salt slurry produced in the production of ADC as well as chlorine water and waste water from the construction in Electrochemical Plant of Jiangmen City are introduced .

  3. 江门市GIS建设的矢量化数据处理

    The Vector Data Processing of Jiangmen GIS Construction

  4. 江门市福氏2a菌痢暴发的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis in an outbreak of S. flexneri 2a in Jiangmen

  5. 江门市海拓电子有限公司是是你一直在寻找的OEM合作伙伴。

    JiangMen Hitop electronics Co. , Ltd is the OEM manufacturer you are looking for .

  6. 目的了解江门市从业人员乙型肝炎病素(HBV)感染和流行情况,为卫生监督、疾病诊断、防治工作提供依据。

    To investigate the HBV infection and transmission among employees in Jiangmen and to provide basis for sanitary supervision , diseases diagnosis and prevention .

  7. 目的了解江门市脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)口服活疫苗(OPV)质量及脊灰疫苗免疫效果。

    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the quality and efficiency of poliomyelitis vaccine .

  8. 以广东省江门市的经济数据为例,采用Bagging算法训练了五个BP神经网络,构建了一个神经网络集成的GDP预测模型,并运用MATLAB7.0语言程序实现。

    According to the economic data of Jiangmen , Guangdong , five neural networks have been trained by adopting Bagging to build a NNE , which is realized by MATLAB 7.0 and employed to forecast GDP .

  9. 首次采用随机PCR(RAPD)技术分析了1994年广东省江门市一起菌痢暴发期间分离的福氏2a暴发株和密切接触者分离株。

    During a food source dysentery outbreak in 1994 , we first used random amplification polymorphism DNA ( RAPD ) technique in analysing the outbreak strains and contact strains of S. flexneri 2a isolated in Jiangmen , Guangdong .

  10. 介绍江门市东华桥直径1.5m、深30m泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩桥墩基础水下施工技术及其质量检测方法。

    This article describes the construction technology of 1 5m in diameter , 30m deep bored piles with mud protection for the pier foundation of Donghua Bridge in Jiangmen . The quality testing methods of piles are also presented here .

  11. 江门市护理专业人力资源现状分析

    The analysis of current nursing human resource status of Jiangmen city

  12. 岩土锚固技术在江门市的应用与发展

    The Application and Development of Rock-Soil Anchoring Technique in Jiangmen City

  13. 创建绿色育人环境培养社会需求人才&在创绿中前进的江门市第一职业高级中学

    The green appearance of No.1 Vocation High School of Jiangmen City

  14. 江门市输入性恶性疟病例防治情况分析

    Analysis on the Control of Imported Malignant Malaria in Jiangmen City

  15. 江门市1:500地形图数字化的实践与解决方案

    Practice and Solution for Digitization of 1:500 Topographical Map of Jiangmen City

  16. 矿图动态填图设计10参数正形变换法在江门市坐标转换中的应用

    Application of 10-parameter orthomorphic map projection transformation formula to Jiangmen coordinate transformation

  17. 江门市经济预测与决策支持系统设计

    The Design of Jiangmen Economic Prediction and Decision-making Support System

  18. 江门市2003~2007年子宫颈癌发病情况分析

    Analysis on incidence of cervical cancer in Jiangmen during 2003 ~ 2007

  19. 江门市新会区华支睾吸虫病流行现状调查与分析

    Investigation on Clonorchis sinensis Infection in Jiangmen , Xinhui City

  20. 江门市推广成分输血的回顾调查与分析

    Retrospective Survey and Analysis of Popularization of Component Infusion in Jiangmen City

  21. 论江门市先进文化的建设与发展

    On the Building and Development of Advanced Culture In Jiangmen

  22. 江门市粤鸿彩印包装有限公司!

    Jiangmen City Yuehong Color Printing and Packing Co. , Ltd.

  23. 江门市人体肠道寄生虫感染状况分析

    Analysis on the Infection Situation of Human Intestinal Parasites in Jiangmen City

  24. 江门市旧城改造规划问题的探析

    A Study of the Plan for Reconstruction of Jiangmen City

  25. 江门市中学生痤疮患病情况调查分析及防治对策

    The situation and strategies of prevention about acne of the Jiangmen middle-school students

  26. 我们公司处于中国著名的侨乡&广东江门市。

    Our company is well-known hometown of overseas Chinese in China-Guangdong Jiangmen City .

  27. 结果目前江门市梅毒疫情仍处在较高的发病水平;

    Results It was still a high incidence rate of syphilis in Jiangmen .

  28. 江门市某医院2008年职工预防性体检结果分析

    Results Analysis of Preventive Examination on Staff of A Hospital in Jiangmen City

  29. 江门市国家粮食储备库码头工程设计总结

    Design of Jiangmen National Grain Reserve Storage Dock Engineering

  30. 2000~2007年江门市病退人员疾病谱观察

    Disease Spectrum of Workers Retired Ahead of Schedule during 2000-2007 in Jiangmen City