
  • 网络Jiangzhou;Gōshū
  1. 发展江州区蔗糖业的建议

    The Suggestion on Development of Sugar Industry of Jiangzhou District

  2. 加强怒江州干部理论教育的思考

    Think On The Theoretical Work Of Cadres In Nujiang Prefecture

  3. 论梁陈二朝对江州的控制

    On the Chen and Liang Dynasties ' control over Jiangzhou

  4. 江州贬后。

    Second , after the devaluation of the Jiangzhou .

  5. 江州联合造船有限公司薪酬管理体系研究

    Jiangzhou Joint Shipbuilding Ltd. Salary Management System Research

  6. 广西江州地区地质构造影像特征

    The video character of the geological structure in the region of jiangzhou , Guangxi

  7. 江州之贬是对他的思想和创作产生了重大影响的事件。

    His demotion to Jiangzhou had an undoubtedly significant impact on his thinking and creation .

  8. 春秋战国时期,巴国的城市获得了一定的发展,从文献可知者有江州、垫江、平都、阆中、枳5座都城。

    In the period of Warring States , the city of Ba State acquires certain development .

  9. 崇左市江州区2005~2008年受检样品微生物污染状况分析

    Survey of contamination of samples with microorganisms in Jiangzhou District of Chongzuo City in 2005 ~ 2008

  10. 禹从江州东下来到了三峡,便开始疏浚三峡的工程。

    Yu from East Jiangzhou down to the Three Gorges , Three Gorges will begin dredging project .

  11. 基于经济发展阶段理论的土地利用变化研究&以广西江州区为例

    A Study on Land Use Changes Based on Theory of Economic Development Phases-A Case Study of Jiangzhou County in Guangxi

  12. 文章研究了航卫片对江州地区地质构造特征的解译。

    In this paper , the character of interpretation of the geological structure by satellitic photo and aerial photo Jiangzhou are studied .

  13. 江州区水稻病虫发生消长及种群演替与农田生态环境变化关系分析

    Relationship between the ecological environment change in field and the occurrence growth and decline and population succession of rice diseases and pests in Jiangzhou district

  14. 第四部分(第五章)是根据怒江州边境三县经济成长背景和路径选择的研究和分析,总结了论文研究的基本结论,并提出了促进怒江州边境三县经济成长的政策建议。

    In the part four , the paper summarizes the basic study conclusion and puts forward the policy advices about the economic maturity in three frontier counties .

  15. 毕业之初,两人立志扎根江州这个大都市,对未来充满憧憬,不断地在脑海里勾画着生活的宏伟蓝图。

    In the beginning after their graduation , they resolved to roost themselves in Jiangzhou metropolis and was expecting a promising future and a splendid blueprint in their mind .

  16. 第三部分:主要对怒江州基础教育存在的问题以及对其原因作了简要分析,其中特别对本州基础教育中体现的民族教育、农村教育的特殊性作了详尽阐述。

    It is given brief analyses to the causes of problems of the elementary education of the Nujiang prefecture , especially to the particularities of her national education and rural education in detail .

  17. 根据江州区产业演进趋势,借鉴吴江市发展历程,可以预计,随着江州区经济发展步伐加快,建设用地需求增加,耕地压力将会加大。

    It is predicted that , in Jiangzhou County , the demand of land for construction use would increase with the county 's rapid economic development and the pressure on arable land would also increase gradually .

  18. 怒江州的贫困程度和贫困面在云南乃至全国都高居榜首,主要依靠国家财政补贴过日子,加快发展、摆脱贫困是怒江州各族人民最迫切的要求。

    The poverty level and rate of Nujiang State top the list in Yunnan and even in China . The people there have to rely on the national financial subsidies . It is urgent for people in Nujiang State to promote economic development and get rid of poverty .

  19. 怒江州具有丰富的自然资源,但境内大部分地区都被纳入自然保护的范围,可供开发利用的自然资源十分有限,水电开发是目前实现怒江州经济社会发展的一条捷径。

    Nujiang State has rich natural resources , however , most of the territory of Nujiang State has been listed in natural reserves so that natural resources that can be developed are rather limited . Hydropower development is a shortcut to improve the economic and social development of Nujiang State .