
jiānɡ xī shěnɡ bó wù ɡuǎn
  • Jianxi Provincial Museum
  1. 作品被作为国礼赠送国际友人和中国国家博物馆,中国历史博物馆、江西省博物馆等单位收藏。

    Work is presented as a national ceremony of China 's international friends and the National Museum , Museum of Chinese History , Jiangxi Province , the museum collections and other units .

  2. 与发达地区利用博物馆获得的高收益、游客获得新奇的体验相比,江西省对博物馆旅游的开发基本上还处于初级开发利用的境地。

    And compared with the development of museums in the developed regions , the development of museums tourism in Jiangxi is basically in an initial stage , which museums can not get a high yield and visitors can not get a new experience differing from the traditional travelling .