
  • 网络Xixia;xixia county
  1. 基于RS与GIS的西峡县森林资源时空动态变化

    Dynamic Spatial-temporal Changes of Forest Resources in Xixia County Based on RS and GIS

  2. 西峡县生态经济沟的规划设计研究

    Study on Planning and Design of Eco-economic Watershed of Xixia County

  3. 西峡县山茱萸生长的地质环境分析

    An analysis on geology enviroment of shan-zhuyu development in Xixia County

  4. 西峡县1996年~2005年法定传染病流行状况分析

    Analysis of the Epidemic State of Legal Infectious Diseases in XiXia County

  5. 西峡县林业生态经济建设的崛起

    Rising on Forestry Eco - economic Establishment in Xixia County

  6. 西峡县2007年甲型肝炎暴发的流行病学分析

    Epidemic Analysis on the Outbreak of Hepatitis A in 2007 in Xixia County

  7. 西峡县地处伏牛山区,石墨矿藏资源十分丰富。

    Xixia county lies Funiu mountain , there is plenty of resource of graphite .

  8. 本文在对西峡县土地资源演变、利用的基础上,提出土地资源的保护和开发利用意见。

    This paper gave some suggestions on conservation and development for land resources utilization in Xixia coun-ty .

  9. 西峡县古银杏种群结构比较完备,雄株数量较多。

    The ancient Ginkgo population in Xixia county is integrated and there are many male trees in it .

  10. 浅谈土地资源的优虑和对策&西峡县土地资源演变及利用的初步研究

    Countermeasure and Anxiety about Land Resources ─ & The initial study on change and utilization for land resources in Xixia county

  11. 最近,有关专家学者在河南省西峡县阳城乡发现大量恐龙骨骼化石。

    Recently , related experts and scholars discovered a large quantity of dinosaur bones fossils in Yangcheng Township , Xixia County of Henan Province .

  12. 在我国主要分布在河南、浙江、陕西等省,河南产区主要集中在西峡县。

    In our country , it mainly distributed in Henan , Zhejiang , Shanxi and other provinces and in Henan provinces , it mainly concentrated at the areas of Xixia County .