
  • 网络western art
  1. 桑德罗•波提切利(SandroBotticelli),意大利早期文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨画派的代表,也是西方美术史上最伟大的画家之一。

    Botticelli was a representative of the Florentine School of the Early Renaissance in Italy and is today considered to be among the greatest painters of Western art history .

  2. 中西方美术绘画创作中,都有其对线条不同形式表现。

    Western art painting , the lines have different forms and manifestations .

  3. 目前在大约克画室学习西方美术。

    I have been learning western art at York Studio for4 years .

  4. 积极主动地学习西方美术的本质、核心、根基。

    Actively learn western art essence , core , basis .

  5. 西方美术史中人文内涵的变迁

    Changes in the Humanism Connotation of Western Arts History

  6. 西方美术史中的摄影与绘画

    Photography and Painting in the History of Western Art

  7. 并用简洁的语言来概括西方美术史不同时期线的精神蕴含。

    It summarizes the spirit of lines in different phases of western art history .

  8. 浅析西方美术教育中的艺徒制

    The System of Apprenticeships in Western Art Education

  9. 论印象派对西方美术形式变革的影响

    The Effect of the Impressionism on the Transform of the Way of Western Art

  10. 从西方美术史的进程论描绘与表达的关系

    A Look at the Relationship between Depiction and Expression in Terms of Western Art History

  11. 这次我将参加中国舞和西方美术两项比赛。

    This time I will attend both the Chinese Dance and the Western Art competitions .

  12. 纵观西方美术史,空间关系历来是画面关系的重点。

    On the whole , the spatial relationship is the key of the western art history .

  13. 在西方美术发展史上,写实油画作为主旋律贯穿始末。

    In Western art history , realistic painting as the main theme throughout the whole history .

  14. 线条艺术的精神蕴含&解读西方美术发展中线之美

    The Spirit of Lines & Interpretation of the Beauty of Lines in the Development of Western Art

  15. 西方美术史中的人性演绎&文艺复兴至十九世纪绘画作品的艺术价值

    The Humanity Deduction in Western Artistical History & A Teaching Think about Painting Works from the Renaissance to 19 Century

  16. 新文化运动时期,西方美术对中国绘画产生了巨大的影响,在中西文化的交流与冲突中,如何保持和发展传统绘画是当时中国画家所面临的一个重大问题。

    During the period of the New Culture Movement , the Western fine arts brings deep influence on the Traditional Chinese Painting .

  17. 在西方美术的发展中,人文主义始终是作品中所要表现的主题之一。

    During the developing course of western arts , humanism is always one of the main themes that the arts want to express .

  18. 论文首先简述了中西方美术馆历史的缘起和变化,并对当代涌现出的美术馆进行简单的介绍。

    First , the essay outlines the origin and changes of museum history and makes a brief introduction of the contemporary emergence of museum .

  19. 只有在这一理论的指导下,对于西方美术的介入,才能冷静客观地做出判断。

    Only when guided by this one theory , getting involved in to west fine arts , ability makes a judgement out calmly objectively .

  20. 西方美术的信徒&崇拜西方美术,淡漠第三世界美术、民族美术和民间美术。

    The follower of western art & adoring western art , feeling indifferent of art of the third world , national art and popular art .

  21. 本文试图解释清楚关于西方美术史上运用素描稿和当前国内部分人利用照片进行古典主义绘画创作之间的差异。

    This article attempts to explain the difference between the use of sketch in western art history and some Chinese using photos to the classical paintings .

  22. 著有《绘画与眼泪》、《视觉素养》、《视觉研究&思疑式导读》、《西方美术史学中的中国山川画》等。

    His works mainly include Picture and Tears ﹑ Visual Training ﹑ Visual research & introuduction in suspected type ﹑ Chinese Landscape painting as western art history , ect .

  23. 我在西方美术西方音乐,包括油画、雕塑、建筑、历史、歌剧等等的书籍或者视频介绍中点点滴滴地了解到很多基督教文化的东西。

    I had learnt less or more about Christian culture in books or video about western art and music including oil-painting , sculpture , architecture , history and opera etc.

  24. 传教士与中国画演进关系属于中西方美术交流史研究。

    The relationship between the activities of missionaries and the evolution of Chinese painting falls into the realm of the study of the communication history of the Chinese and Western arts .

  25. 这四个词指出了从听觉到视觉感官所获得的感觉的特征,而这两种感官在西方美术观念中最为突出;

    These four English words that denote quality of feeling are taken from the auditory and visual senses that are the most dominant senses in the Western conception of fine art ;

  26. 民国时期的美术受到西方美术思想的全面影响,现实主义思想在抗战的背景下更是得到了广泛的传播。

    During the period of the Republic of China , art has been fully impacted by Western art ideas , realistic thought had been widely spread in the background of Anti Japanese war .

  27. 张爱玲对西方美术的介绍和喜爱明显地集中在广义的现代主义思潮上,她的文学也应更多地从这个大的艺术思潮背景上去理解、去阐释。

    Zhang Ailing 's introduction and fondness to western fine arts obviously concentrated on ideological trend of broadly-defined modernism , so her literature should be understoods and explained from the artistic ideological trend background .

  28. 本文从楚美术与北方中原美术的对比与楚美术和西方美术的对比两方面探讨楚美术的审美特征。

    This article discusses the Chu arts from the Chu arts with the north area south of Yellow River fine arts contrast and the Chu arts and the western arts contrast two aspects the esthetic characteristic .

  29. 在西方美术史上,尤其是在二十世纪西方现代绘画史上,产生过许许多多的画派,如野兽派、立体派、未来派、达达派以及超现实主义画派等。

    In the western history of art , especially in the modern painting history of 20th , there were many modern painting trends , such as Fauvism , Cubism , Futurism , Dada and Surrealism , etc.

  30. 风景水彩画是西方美术史上一个特殊时期的产物,它起源于西欧,兴盛于英国,并在十八、十九世纪达到高峰。

    Landscape watercolor painting is a product in special time in western fine arts history , which originates from the western Europe , prospers in Britain , and reaches its peak in the 18th and 19th century .