
  • 网络huaxi district
  1. 贵阳市花溪区城市形态与建筑风格研究

    Probe into Urban Form and Architecture Style of Huaxi District of Guiyang City

  2. 贵阳花溪区石灰土林地土壤重金属含量特征及其污染评价

    Heavy metal concentrations and pollution assessment of limestone forests in Huaxi district , Guiyang City

  3. 灰色线性规划在花溪区牧业结构优化中的应用

    Application of Grey-Linear Programme for Optimization of Livestock Structure in Huaxi

  4. 联产承包责任制给农民带来实惠&对花溪区50户农民家庭经济收支的调查

    Output-related system of contracted responsibilities brings peasants substantial benefits

  5. 花溪区走好可持续发展之路的探索

    Probe into the Sustainable Development Approach of Huaxi Region

  6. 贵阳市花溪区天然林保护工程效益评价

    The Benefit Evaluation of Natural Forest Protection Project in Hua Xi District of Guiyang City

  7. 贵阳市花溪区植被景观格局对地形地貌的响应及其独特性研究

    The Response of Landscape Pattern of Vegetation to the Topography and Its Uniqueness in Huaxi District of Guiyang City

  8. 对花溪区发展生态旅游农业的几点看法农林院校旅游管理专业建设的几点思考

    Thinking about Developing Ecological Agricultural Tourism in Huaxi District ; Construction of Tourism Management Profession in Agriculture and Forestry Colleges

  9. 本文以贵阳市花溪区镇山村为个案,研究民族旅游开发与目的地社区社会阶层分化之间的关系。

    This paper takes Huaxi Village as a case in order to study the relation between national tourist destinations community and social classes .

  10. 利用系统分析的方法,经实地调查,建立了花溪区畜(禽)种群结构优化模型。

    The Grey-Linear Programme model for livestock structure in Huaxi district was established by investigation on the spot and systematic analysis method in this paper .

  11. 对贵州花溪区石灰岩、石灰土及定居植物中化学元素含量进行研究。

    This study investigated chemical element concentrations in calcite , calcareous soil and restored plants in a limestone rocky desertification area in Huaxi , Guizhou Province .

  12. 天津大学建筑学院与德国柏林工业大学建筑学院合作进行了贵州省贵阳市花溪区石板镇的新农村试点工程的规划设计工作。

    The architectural faculty of Tianjin University Collaborates with Germany Berlin Polytechnic University on experimental planning and design for Guiyang City Huax District New Village project .

  13. 花溪名胜风景区座落在贵阳市西南郊十七公里处,它能够声名远播,因为这里流淌着被誉为“黔上翡翠”的花溪河。

    Located in the southwest of suburb of Guiyang city , Huaxi is famous for the Huaxi River flowing around it , which is seen as jade in Guizhou province .