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huā yànɡ huá bīnɡ
  • figure skating;fancy skating
花样滑冰 [huā yàng huá bīng]
  • [figure skating] 以优美姿势在冰面上滑出规定图案、表演各种技巧的一项滑冰运动

  1. 艾丽斯是花样滑冰能手。

    Alice is an expert at fancy skating .

  2. 室内设计师维维安•伯恩斯坦(VivianBernstein)在40多岁时以成人学员的身份开始学习花样滑冰,她一周有五天会去滑冰。

    Vivian Bernstein , an interior designer in her late 40s , had taken up figure skating as an adult and was skating five days a week .

  3. ClaireMithcell仍旧介怀你当年退出花样滑冰队的事

    Clai , mitchell still resents you for quitting the figure-skating team when you were kids .

  4. 据时尚网站TheBestFashionBlog报道,溜冰裙,又叫“喇叭高腰迷你裙”,因上世纪80年代流行的花样滑冰服装风格而得名。

    The skater skirt , also known as the " flared high-wasted mini skirt , " got its name from the skating dancer style that was popular in the 1980s , according to fashion site The Best Fashion Blog .

  5. 在福克斯播放《美国偶像》的同时,NBC有三分之二的时间在播放男子花样滑冰录像。

    NBC filled about two-thirds of the hour during which it competed with " American Idol " with tape of the men 's figure-skating competition .

  6. 俄罗斯花样滑冰选手普鲁申科(EvgeniPlushenko)退赛。

    Russia 's Evgeni Plushenko pulled out of figure skating .

  7. 周一,人们对韩国花样滑冰女皇金妍儿(KimYu-na)何时退役的猜测终于画上了句号。

    South Korea 's figure skating queen , Kim Yu-na , on Monday finally put an end to persistent speculation about when she 'll retire from the sport .

  8. 佐村河内守在公开信中道歉的对象包括在索契冬奥会花样滑冰运动员高桥大辅(DaisukeTakahashi),他将于周四参加男子短节目比赛,比赛将于索契时间下午7点(东京时间午夜)举行。

    The people Mr. Samuragochi apologized to in his letter included Olympic skater Daisuke Takahashi , who was to compete in the men 's short figure-skating program at the Sochi Games on Thursday . The competition was to start at 7 p.m. local time in Sochi , midnight in Tokyo .

  9. 而所有六个孩子都参加过花样滑冰或冰球运动。

    All six participated in figure skating or ice hockey .

  10. 这场空难震惊了全球滑冰界以及热爱花样滑冰的人们。

    The crash stunned skaters and figure skating fans around the globe .

  11. 她在做花样滑冰时,掉进冰里。

    She was figure skating and fell through the ice .

  12. 花样滑冰你觉得不好吗,啊儿子?

    Figure skating not good enough for you , son ?

  13. 奥运会花样滑冰的金牌颁发给四个比赛项目。

    Gold medals are awarded in four categories of Olympic figure skating .

  14. 瞧,麦克斯,他是花样滑冰运动员

    Look , Max , he 's a figure skater .

  15. 我喜欢看电视上的花样滑冰表演,还有韵律体操。

    I like watching figure skating on tv , and rhythmic gymnastics .

  16. 马克:我最喜欢看花样滑冰比赛了!

    Mark : I adores watching figure skating match most !

  17. 冬奥会裁判对我国花样滑冰运动发展的重要影响

    Discussion on the Influence of Winter Olympics Referees on Chinese Figure Skating Development

  18. 港未来长洲的世外桃源,2008年全国女子花样滑冰金牌的冠军。

    Mirai Nagasu of Arcadia , 2008 National Ladies Figure Skating gold-medal champion .

  19. 对提高我国单人花样滑冰选手艺术表演能力的研究

    The Research on Improving Chinese Single Figure Skater 's Ability of Artistic Performance

  20. 我最喜欢的两个项目是花样滑冰和网球。

    My two sports are figure skating and tennis .

  21. 我国花样滑冰运动文献现状统计与分析

    Statistical Analysis on the Present Situation of Scientific Research of Chinese Figure Skating

  22. 他还曾是优秀的花样滑冰运动员

    Well - And he used to be a really great figure skater .

  23. 花样滑冰跳跃动作起跳与落地运动生物力学研究

    A Sport Biomechanical Study of Taking-off and Landing Movement in Jump of Figure Skating

  24. 我国男子单人滑节目内容适应花样滑冰新裁判系统存在的问题

    Existing problems for China Men Program Component Score adaption Figure Skating New Judging System

  25. 花样滑冰的表演很精彩,我们被深深地吸引住了。

    The figure skating performance was very wonderful , and we were deeply attracted .

  26. 她是花样滑冰专家。

    She is an expert at figure skating .

  27. 美国选手莱萨切克获得冬奥会花样滑冰男子单人滑冠军。

    American athlete Les Cech won the Winter Olympic male single figure skating gold .

  28. 只要哪儿有花样滑冰,哪儿就能看到宋佳·海涅模仿者如雨后春笋般涌现。

    Already Sonja Henie imitators were springing up , wherever figure skating was appreciated .

  29. 跟我说说花样滑冰也行

    Could tell me about figure skating too .

  30. 花样滑冰是1924年首届冬季奥运会的比赛项目之一。

    Figure skating was one of the events at the very first winter Olympics in1924 .