
  • Huaguo Mountain;Mountain of Flower and Fruit;Mount Huaguo
  1. 想不到他们竟然把一座荒山变成了花果山。

    Amazing how they have turned a barren hill into an orchard !

  2. 区内有驰名中外的白鹿原和有花果山之称的洪庆山。

    Districts in the world-famous White Deer and Huaguoshan known as Hung Chin-shan .

  3. 洞天福地&江苏连云港花果山·72山庄设计

    Construction of Shangrila & Design of Huaguoshan · 72 Hotel in Lianyungang , Jiangsu

  4. 他们扎根荒山,呕心沥血,历时17年,终于把一座杂草丛生的荒山变成了硕果累累的花果山。

    After 17 years , the bare mountain is covered with fruit and flowers .

  5. 这只石头猴子和海洋中的岛上的其它猴子成为了朋友。一天,他们发现了位于花果山的峭壁上的瀑布。

    One day they found a waterfall in front of a cliff of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit .

  6. 连云港花果山被称为“东胜神州”,以古典名著《西游记》著称于世。

    The beautiful Huaguo Mountain in Lianyungang was the birthplace of the classical Chinese novel , Journey to the West .

  7. 阐述了花果山柿子醋研制的工艺过程和技术关键,介绍了产品的特点及价值。

    In this paper the study processes and production techniques of persimmon vinegar are expatiated and the feature and value of the products are also introduced .

  8. 东胜神州的傲来国中,有一座山,叫花果山。

    Inside the Country of Aolai , east of the ocean belonging to the Continent of Superior Body , there was the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit .

  9. 就地理地望的属性而言,花果山在东方海外,地近东海和淮水,云台山与这一属性没有抵牾;

    Regarding the geographical attribute , Flower and Fruit Mountain is located in the ' east'and ' oversea ' , close to the East Ocean and Huai River .

  10. 首先分析了西南镇花果山、基塘连村和芹涌村的地理位置、气候水文、地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质、人类活动等。

    This paper analyzed the natural environment in the studied area , including geographical location , climate , hydrology , geomorphology , lithology , geological structure , hydrogeology , human activities , etc. .

  11. 本文提出,西游记文化要全方位融入旅游市场,改变花果山旅游产品粗放式营销模式,用西游记文化来统筹规划整个景区的旅游产品设计。

    It evaluates that the culture should round into the tourism market and change the tourist product extensive marketing model , using the culture of the Journey to the West to manpower and plan the whole tourist products .