
  • 网络A.Barna;Hayley Barna;Haley Barna;BARNES;Barnak
  1. 一名法官上星期说,苹果公司必须提供一种软件,使联邦调查局得以破解法鲁克的iPhone密码。去年,法鲁克和他的妻子马利克在加利福尼亚州的圣巴尔纳迪奥杀害了14人。

    A magistrate judge said last week Apple must provide software to allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) to guess the password on an iPhone given to Syed Rizwan Farook by his employer before he and his wife Tafsheen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino , California last year .

  2. 去年9月,Birchbox收购了一家总部位于巴黎的竞争对手JolieBox,这使比彻姆和巴尔纳得以进军欧洲市场。

    Last September Birchbox acquired JolieBox , a Paris-based competitor , allowing the partners to move into the European market .

  3. 但不到一年之后就发生了巨大的变化,比彻姆和巴尔纳成为了Birchbox公司的联合创始人。

    That all changed less than a year later , when Ms Beauchamp and Ms Barna became the co-founders of Birchbox .

  4. 过了十四年,我同巴尔纳伯再上耶路撒冷去,还带了弟铎同去。

    Then , after fourteen years , I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas , taking Titus also with me .

  5. 比彻姆和巴尔纳在哈佛商学院的商业计划大赛中取得了第二名,这增强了她们对自身构想的信心。

    The two women were placed second in an HBS business-plan competition , which helped them build more confidence in the concept .

  6. 其馀的犹太人也都跟他一起装假,以致连巴尔纳伯也受了他们的牵引而装假。

    And to his dissimulation the rest of the Jews consented , so that Barnabas also was led by them into that dissimulation .

  7. 风险投资基金向这两位创始人表达了注资意向,但遭到了拒绝。巴尔纳解释称,这是由于Birchbox仍然处于初创阶段。

    The VCs offered the co-founders money but they turned it down because the company was still in its infancy , says Ms Barna .

  8. 这事传到了耶路撒冷教会的耳中,就打发巴尔纳伯到安提约基雅去。

    And the tidings came to the ears of the church that was at Jerusalem , touching these things : and they sent Barnabas as far as Antioch .

  9. 比彻姆和巴尔纳没有选择成立一个与自己研究方向一致的公司,而是将自己经营化妆品业务的想法融入到了最后一学期的课程学习中。

    Rather than starting a business in parallel to their studies , Ms Beauchamp and Ms Barna integrated their beauty business idea into their courses in their last semester .

  10. 这两位年轻女性意识到俩人作为一个团队工作起来非常合拍。巴尔纳表示:“但我们并没有因此想要共同创立一个公司。”巴尔纳现年29岁,在进入哈佛商学院之前是一位管理咨询师。

    It helped the women to realise they worked well together as a team , " but we didn 't necessarily want to start a business together , " says Ms Barna , now 29 , a management consultant before going to HBS .