
wǎng luò yóu xì
  • online game;Network Game;MMORPG
  1. 游戏公司将控制青少年的网络游戏时间。

    game companies will control teenagers ' online game time .

  2. 它比任何一台电脑都强大得多;事实上,值得记住的是,任何一款网络游戏最初都是由作者用文字写成故事的。

    It 's much more powerful than any computer ; in fact , it 's worth remembering that any online game was first written in words as a story by its writer .

  3. 网络游戏使得全球的玩家可以相互较量。

    Online gaming allows players from around the world to challenge each other .

  4. 对于年轻人来说,书籍可能不如网络游戏那么令人兴奋。

    For younger people , books may not be as exciting as online games .

  5. 事实上,他从11岁起就开始玩网络游戏。

    In fact , he had played online games since the age of 11 .

  6. 许多人认为,这项规定肯定能更好地保护中国年轻的网络游戏玩家,而另一些人则怀疑这项规定能否成功阻止他们过多地玩游戏。

    Many people think that the regulation can surely better protect Chinese young game players online , while others doubt whether it can successful stop them from playing games too much .

  7. 一所大学的主任童晓军在接受央视采访时说:“越来越多的人意识到,玩网络游戏太多不仅会给青少年带来健康和学习方面的问题,还会让他们感到抑郁和孤独。”

    " More and more people come to know that playing online games too much not only brings teenagers healthy and study problems , but also makes them depressedand lonely , " Tong Xiaojun , a director from a university , told CCTV .

  8. 网络游戏、QQ聊天、网上购物、娱乐新闻等等在互联网上应有尽有,触手可得。

    Cyber games , QQ chatting , shopping online , and entertainment news are available to everyone on the Internet .

  9. 此次通知进一步压缩网络游戏时间,将引导未成年人积极参与体育锻炼、社会实践等健康有益的活动。

    Allowing less time for online games will help guide minors to physical exercise and social activities that are better for study and health , the administration said .

  10. 现在的学生沉迷于打怪升级的网络游戏,那么,网络游戏公司何不开发一些既满足学生兴趣需求又能对其进行道德教育的游戏呢?

    Students are addicted2 to videogames featuring fighting or beasts . Why don 't video games companies invent some games that both suit the interest of students and teach them moral lessons ?

  11. 网络游戏企业向未成年人提供游戏服务的时长,法定节假日每日累计不得超过3小时,其他时间每日累计不得超过1.5小时。对此不少家长反映该标准仍较宽松,建议从严压缩。

    Online game companies could provide no more than one and a half hours of service to minors on ordinary days , with the limit set at no more than three hours on official holidays .

  12. 通知提出的其他要求还包括:严格落实网络游戏用户账号实名注册和登录要求,不得以任何形式向未实名注册和登录的用户提供游戏服务。

    It also urged the strict implementation and logins , saying that online game providers must not provide any form of game service to users who fail to register and log in using their real identifications .

  13. 在此基础上提出了军事3D网络游戏引擎的设计方案。

    Based on these , a design solution of 3D game engine has been put forward .

  14. 基于UML的网络游戏对战平台设计与研究

    Design and Research of Network Game Platform Based on UML

  15. 基于UML的网络游戏建模研究

    Research for Modeling Internet Game Based on UML

  16. 主要讨论UML在网络游戏框架设计建模过程中的应用。

    The application of the UML in setting up Internet-Game module is discussed in this paper .

  17. 在PC平台上,网络游戏已经取得了较大的成功,手机平台上的网络游戏也被当作重要的应用。

    The network game has succeeded on PC platform , and the network game on mobile phone is regard as an important application .

  18. 文章的中心是如何起步开发你自己的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(原文:MassiveMultiplayerOnlineRolePlayingGames)(MMORPG)(译者注:俗称:网络游戏,网游)。

    This article will focus on the first steps in building your own Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games ( MMORPG ) .

  19. PC和手机结合的网络游戏是现在流行的游戏运作方式。网络游戏的用户数据、游戏币等各种敏感数据在Internet上传输,系统不可避免地存在信息安全隐患。

    Internet game , combined with PC and mobile , a prevalent game application , its information including customer 's data , game currency is transformed throught internet .

  20. 现今主流的网络游戏,按实现架构分类,可分为客户端网游与Web端网游。

    According to the architecture , nowadays mainstream online games can be classified into two types : client games which based on client-server architecture and web games which based on browser-server architecture .

  21. IOCP机制在P2P网络游戏中的应用

    The Application of IOCP in the P2P Network Game

  22. 麦当劳此次奥运宣传计划的新元素还包括一个叫作《LostRing》的网络游戏。在游戏中,玩家将搜集线索揭开一个与奥运有关的秘密。

    The nontraditional aspects of the campaign include an online game called the Lost Ring , where players piece together clues to uncover a secret tied to the Games .

  23. 国内外各大SNS网站中,最流行的应用程序几乎全部属于社交网络游戏类别。

    The most popular applications in the SNS websites are almost social network games .

  24. 在NBA的网络游戏被评为NBA街头篮球在线,这将是一个街头篮球网络游戏。

    The NBA MMO was named NBA Street Online , which will be a street basketball online game .

  25. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  26. 最后,本文对制作更高水平的2D电脑游戏作出了展望,并简单介绍了3D游戏和网络游戏。

    At the end of the paper , some views on the 2D PC game with higher level and some introduction of 3D PC game and Internet PC game are given .

  27. 在分析C/S模式的优缺点后,引入了P2P技术的概念,并阐述了使用P2P技术开发网络游戏的原理和特点。

    After analyzing C / S model advantages and disadvantages , this article introduces the concept of P2P technology , and describes principles and characteristics of using P2P technology development .

  28. 然而,现有的网络游戏平台大都是基于C/S架构的,难以满足用户在复杂网络环境中P2P互联的需求。

    However , current online game platforms were based on a C / S framework , which could hardly meet clients ' requirements on P2P connections under complex network environment .

  29. 本文将在分析现有3D商业网络游戏的基础上,尝试设计和实现一套3D网络游戏软件系统。

    Aiming to contribute to this enterprise , this paper will first analyze the 3D network game products on market , and then try to study and design a new type of 3D network game system .

  30. 您是否想像过某天可以这样,无论您在何处使用3G手持设备,都能够在网上冲浪、玩网络游戏或参加视频会议?

    Do you ever imagine that you can surf the Web , play an online game or join a videoconference no matter where you are using your3G handheld device ?