
  • 网络Chemical;chemical engineering
  1. 卡姆说,化学工程专业的研究生VernellaVickerman(人名)和生物工程专业的博士后SeokChung(人名),在该装置的开发过程中起了关键作用。

    Vernella Vickerman , a graduate student in chemical engineering , and Seok Chung , a postdoctoral fellow in biological engineering , played critical roles in developing the device , Kamm said .

  2. 1945年,他大学毕业了,取得化学工程专业学位。

    He graduated with a degree in chemical engineering in1945 .

  3. 她曾就读于加州大学洛杉矶分校的化学工程专业。

    She studied chemical engineering at the University of California , Los Angeles .

  4. 正是基于该原因,来自密歇根大学化学工程专业的23岁的孙浩(音译)从求职大军中脱颖而出,于近日被德勤会计师事务所录用。

    That 's what made Sun Shao , 23 , a chemical engineering major from University of Michigan , stand out and land an offer from Deloitte recently .

  5. 提出了我校化学工程专业课程体系存在的问题,指出导致问题的主要原因是对学科的发展缺乏关注。

    Some problems of chemical engineering curriculum existing in our school have been proposed , and lack attention to the curriculum evolution is considered the main reason induced those problems .

  6. 化学工程与工艺专业实验教学改革

    Research on the teaching reform of chemical engineering and technology experiments

  7. 化学工程与工艺专业人才培养模式改革的探索与实践

    Reformation of the Education Mode for Cultivating Chemical Engineering Talents

  8. 高校化学工程与工艺专业创新型人才的培养模式

    Training Mode of Creative Personnel in College Specialties of Chemistry and Craft

  9. 化学工程与工艺专业应用性人才培养方案的研究

    Studying on Training Plan of Applied Talents on Chemical Engineering and Technology Specialty

  10. 化学工程与工艺专业实践课程评价体系的构建

    Construction of the Assessment System of Practical Courses of Chemical Engineering and Technology

  11. 本科或硕士学历,聚合物、有机化学或化学工程专业;

    Bachelor degree or master degree in Polymer Science , Organic Chemistry or Chemical Engineering .

  12. 在化学工程等工程专业的整体培养方案中,基础化学课程占据着重要的位置。

    The general chemistry courses play an important role in the cultivation project of chemistry engineering .

  13. 化学工程与工艺专业是一门实践性极强的工程学科。

    Chemical Engineering and Technology ( CET ) is an engineering discipline which lays emphasis on practical experiences .

  14. 本科或以上学历,过程分析,过程仪表,化学工程或相关专业;

    Education : - bachelor degree or above , majoring in process analysis , instrumentation , chemical engineering , or equivalent ;

  15. 化学工程与工艺专业核心课程体系的构建&以钦州学院生化系为例

    Construction and Optimization of Chemical Engineering and Technology Core Curriculum & For Biology and Chemistry Department of Qinzhou University as an Example

  16. 工程专业毕业生的待遇也比去年更好,其中电气、化学与土木工程专业涨幅靠前。

    Engineering graduates are also better off than last year , led by salary increases for electrical , chemical and civil engineers .

  17. 为了提高学生的创新意识和实践能力,我们对加强化学工程与工艺专业实践性环节教学进行了探索。

    The practical teaching method of chemical Engineering and technology specialty is adopted to promote the innovative awareness and practical working ability of the students .

  18. 针对创新人才培养的需要,探讨将科研与专业实验教学嫁接的改革措施,实践表明提高了化学工程与工艺专业实验教学质量。

    Aiming at the needs of cultivating the innovative talents , the reformational measures to graft scientific research on the teaching of the speciality experiment were studied . The practices indicate that the teaching quality of the speciality experiment in the course of chemical engineering and technology are improved .

  19. 构建21世纪化学工程与工艺本科专业教学体系的设想

    Thoughts on Constructing A Teaching System for Undergraduate Speciality of Chemical Engineering and Technology for the 21st Century

  20. 大学化学、化学工程或相关专业;

    Bachelors degree in chemistry , chemical engineering or a related discipline ;