
  • 网络chemical agent;CHEMICAL
  1. 本文系统地对灯泡贯流式发电机冷却水系统中添加CR防腐化学药剂的研制与使用效果进行了分析。

    Development and effectiveness of CR anti-corrosive chemical agent added to the cooling-water system of bulb-generator are analysed systematically .

  2. 在隔离条件下,用化学药剂(成份:500mg·kg-1对氯苯氧乙酸+100mg·kg-1激动素+15%二甲基亚砜)处理矮败小麦子房。

    The ovary of dwarf abortion wheat was induced by chemical agent ( 500 mg · kg - 1 CPX + 100 mg · kg - 1 KT + 1 5 % DMSO ) under isolated field .

  3. 因为处理多种化学药剂,我们的手上染上了各种颜色。

    Our hands were variedly hued by handling all the chemicals .

  4. 用化学药剂混合提取DNA,然后使用他们自家的DNA复印机来测试那些西红柿的转基因性状。

    mixing it with chemicals to extract DNA and then using their home DNA copier to test those tomatoes for genetically engineered traits .

  5. 以黄铁矿代替化学药剂处理含Cr(Ⅵ)废水,并采用漫反射红外光谱及吸收光谱对其吸收过程进行了表征。

    Treatment of Cr ( VI ) wastewater by pyrite was studied using diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy ( DRIFTS ) and absorption spectroscopy .

  6. 溴敌隆、磷化锌和C型肉毒素的防治效果均在70%以上,说明这三种化学药剂对大沙鼠均有不错的防治效果。

    The prevention effects of bromadiolone , zinc phosphide , and C-control botox are all over 70 % , indicating that these three chemicals are fairly effective in controling Great Gerbils .

  7. 不同植物上桃蚜两种体色生物型的DNA多态性研究几种化学药剂对破除葡萄与桃自然休眠的效果

    DNA Polymorphism Studies on the Two Body Colour Bio-types of Green Peach Aphid from Different Host Plants Effects of Some Chemicals on Dormancy Breaking of Grape and Peach Trees

  8. 把肥料级MAP溶解在水中,加入化学药剂使磷铵中的杂质结晶沉淀并进行溶液的澄清分离,但生成的颗粒细小,溶液黏稠,极难分离。

    After MAP of agricultural grade was dissolved in water , dissolved impurities crystallized in the presence of chemical reagents , but small impurities and viscous suspension made filtration difficult .

  9. 通过混凝剂,助凝剂的筛选,研究合适的ABS废水处理化学药剂;

    Through the coagulant , help and congeal the screening of the pharmaceutical , study the suitable ABS waste water treatment chemical drug ;

  10. 发现黄铜矿,黄铁矿的分离浮选不仅依靠矿浆高pH值和高氧化作用,而且,当使用化学药剂调节矿浆电位时,还与所使用的调整剂的化学组成有关。

    Results demonstrate that the separating flotation of chalcopyrite and pyrite depends not only on high pH value and oxidation in pulp , but also on pulp potential and components of chemicals used .

  11. 根据尿液中污染物浓度高的特点,提出采用化学药剂和EM联合处理尿液工艺。

    According to the high concentration of contamination in urine , this paper tries to dispose urine with chemical preparations and EM ( effective microorganisms ) .

  12. DDT及其他化学药剂所造成的生态危害,远多于它们可能带来的好处。

    DDT and other chemical remedies have been doing more ecological harm than the good that they may have brought along .

  13. 经济可行性分析表明,在分集式生态厕所中采用化学药剂和EM组合工艺处理尿液,每年的成本约为4400元(使用量为1千人次/d)。

    In the end , the analysis on economic feasibility demonstrated that the urine disposal technics will cost around 4400 $ every year , when average person-time was 1000 per day .

  14. 利用几种化学药剂对聚砜超滤膜有机污染造成的堵塞的清洗方式进行了试验研究,研究了UF膜组件的有机污染行为及膜组件污染物的去除。

    The cleaning methods of jam caused by fouling of polysulfone UF membrane , the behavior of organic fouling and the elimination of contamination are studied using several chemicals .

  15. 而在工作环境是否粉尘、化学药剂、是否有极大温差变化、平日工作及学习压力、每日接触空调时间、运动习惯及每日睡眠时间项目,两组间存在显著差异性(P<0.01)。

    ( P < 0.05 ) Two groups contain distinctive difference when there are dust , chemical liquid , extreme temperature difference , working and learning pressure , long time of exposing to air conditioners , poor exercise habits and fewer daily sleeping hours in working environment .

  16. 通过NS(一种化学药剂)改性落叶松材和素材在相同干燥基准下干燥速度和干燥质量的对比试验,研究了Ns改性对落叶松材干燥性能的影响。

    The influence of NS modification on the drying property of larch lumber was studied through the contrast drying tests between NS modified larch lumber and unmodified one according to the same drying schedule .

  17. 通过对水相中细粒煤电动电位的研究,认为水相中表面荷负电的煤颗粒,其电性受pH值和某些化学药剂的影响比较大,且呈现出规律性变化。

    It was found that the electro-property of coal particle which surface with negative electron in aqueous solution is affected much bigger by pH value and some of the chemical agents and present a regularity change through electromotive force research of fine coal in aqueous phase .

  18. 经温室盆栽试验,10株芽孢杆菌(B.subtilis)对R.Solani表现明显的防效,且优于化学药剂处理(MBC、PCNB)。

    In glasshouse experiments , ten B.subtilis were the most effective in protecting cotton seedling diseases against R105 ( R.Solani ) and showed better effect than chemical treatments ( MBC , PCNB ) .

  19. 其中Ts-86、Ts-39、Ts-109和Ts-121四种提取物抑菌效果与化学药剂Ridomil3000倍达到同一显著水平,并对其进行了进一步测试。

    Four species of the plant extracts including Ts-86 , Ts-39 , Ts-109 and Ts-121 showed equivalent strong inhibitory effects with the chemical control - " Ridomil " 3000 times dilution were further tested on slides for their inhibitory effects on sporangia germination and production of P. infestans .

  20. 苜蓿菌核病生防菌及化学药剂的筛选

    Screening of Microbes and Fungicides for Controlling Alfalfa Sclerotinia Stem Rot

  21. 几种化学药剂对枣树花果疏除的效应

    Thinning Effect of Chemicals on Flower and Fruit of Jujube Trees

  22. 几种化学药剂处理对蔬菜劣变种子生活力的影响

    Effect of Several Chemicals on the Germination Percentage of Vegetable Seeds

  23. 栽培者必须准备使用一系列的化学药剂。

    Growers must be prepared to use a range of chemicals .

  24. 一种能除草或抑制其生长的化学药剂。

    A chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth .

  25. 他们用渗有一种化学药剂的水擦洗地板。

    They cleaned the floor with water mixed with a chemical .

  26. 循环冷却水处理新化学药剂的发展

    Development of New Chemicals for the Treatment of Circulating Cooling Water

  27. 摄影师用化学药剂使底片显影。

    The photographers developed the film by treating it with chemicals .

  28. 那是一颗小胶囊,内含化学药剂。

    It 's a tiny capsule that contains the chemotherapy drug .

  29. 化学药剂对香椿休眠解除的影响及其机理

    Analysis of Effects of Chemicals on Dormancy - breaking of Toona sinensis

  30. 化学药剂对水稻纹枯病菌的影响

    The Effect of Chemical Fungicides on Rice Sheath Blight Fungus