
  • 网络Foreign culture;Alien culture;alien cultur
  1. 随着我国加入WTO,外来文化尤其是西方文化大量涌入,高校校园文化建设面临新的挑战。

    Along with China 's coming entry into the WTO , foreign culture , especially Western culture pours in . The reconstruction of campus culture in high schools is facing a new challenge .

  2. 加入WTO,标志着我国社会主义市场经济发展的一个新阶段,政府干预的减少及外来文化的影响,将在社会上引起广泛的意识群体性分流。

    After China accedes to WTO the development of our socialist market economy has begun a new phase . Because of the reduction of government intervention and the influence of foreign culture , there will be an extensive mass consciousness disintegration in society .

  3. 关于大陆互联网站外来文化信息传播状况的实证研究

    On communication of foreign cultures by websites in the Chinese mainland

  4. 借鉴日本吸取外来文化的特性发展中国民族传统体育

    Take Characteristics of Japan Import-Culture And Develop Chinese National Traditional Sport

  5. 正确处理同西方外来文化的关系;

    Deal with the relationship with the fo-reign culture correctly ;

  6. 论外来文化对周作人生活观建构的影响

    The Influence of Foreign Culture on Philosophy of ZHOU Zuo-ren

  7. 在林纾的小说翻译中,他对对外来文化作了一定程度的归化。

    Lin Shu domesticated foreign culture in his translations to some extent .

  8. 从茶道可以看出日本对外来文化的学习能力和创新精神。

    We can see the learning ability and initiative spirit .

  9. 从近体诗的诞生看外来文化的影响

    The Influence of Foreign Culture on the Birth of Chinses Rhymed Poetry

  10. 唐代陶瓷中的外来文化因素

    The Foreign Cultural Factors in the Ceramic of Tang Dynasty

  11. 然而随着经济的发展,外来文化,流行文化的影响。

    However , along with economic development , foreign culture , popular culture .

  12. 外来文化对唐代玉石器琉璃器的影响

    Impact of Alien Culture on Jade and Glass Ware of the Tang Dynasty

  13. 在外来文化的影响中&汉语现代书面语演变的历史和现状

    Borrowed culture and the change of modern written Chinese

  14. 外来文化对社会的冲击表现为传统社会内部的多重脱序。

    Foreign culture 's impulsion was expressed by traditional society 's multiplex unlinking cosmos .

  15. 冲撞与融合&外来文化对厦门建筑风格的影响

    Collision and syncretism of different cultures & Impact of outer cultures on Xiamen architectural style

  16. 受外来文化传入影响的大学校园模式;

    Campus effected by external culture ;

  17. 中国传统文化对外来文化具有良好的消化吸收功能。

    The chinese traditional culture have a good function of digesting and absorbing the abroad culture .

  18. 日本民族善于吸收外来文化,同时又执着地固守本国的传统文化。

    Japanese nation is good at absorbing foreign cultures , and also clings to national culture .

  19. 善于吸收外来文化是其主要的原因之一。

    One of the main reasons is that Japan is good at absorbing the foreign culture .

  20. 但由于其与外来文化表达语境的不同,一直被模糊概念掩饰。

    On account of the difference between foreign expressions and native is covered up by inkling .

  21. 外来文化的输入对中国民族文化的发展具有重大影响。

    The import of foreign culture impact greatly on the development of the Chinese national culture .

  22. 新的世纪中,外来文化风急势猛,民族文化面临着消亡的危机。

    National culture is now facing a crisis because of the prevalence of the alien cultures .

  23. 由于历史的原因,青岛受到多种外来文化的影响。

    Because of the historical reasons , Qingdao has been affected by various kinds of foreign culture .

  24. 对于本土文化或外来文化在创作版画中的应用应是创造性的、多元生一的形式。

    The application of native culture or foreign culture should be creative and innovative in creating prints .

  25. 这样的情况我认为有以下几种原因:首先是外来文化的冲击。

    This situation I think there are several reasons : First is the impact of foreign culture .

  26. 而前贤忽视了这一有关构思根本的外来文化因子触媒。

    But scholars in the past neglected the foreign cultural factors when plot of a novel was conceived .

  27. 全球化背景下外来文化对中国传统文化的影响

    Reflection on influence of foreign culture to development of Chinese traditional culture in the process of economic globalization

  28. 忽视优秀传统民族文化的继承发扬,对外来文化有统统接受的倾向;

    Ignoring the succession and development of our outstanding traditional culture , tending to accept outside culture completely ;

  29. 他与域外文化有着极为广泛的接触,并善于汲纳外来文化中先进的思想。

    Having a wide contact with foreign cultures he was good at accepting those advanced ideas from them .

  30. 2,20世纪的汉语文学批评在近百年的发展历程中,已经逐步形成了一些新的学术传统,它们是在20世纪特殊语境中本土旧传统与外来文化相互碰撞和交融的产物。

    2 , Some new traditions have formed gradually in the development of Chinese literary criticism nearly 100 years .