
  • 网络Cultural studies;culture study
  1. 作为专门术语的文化研究(culturalstudies),是目前国际国内学术界的焦点问题、显性话语和重要研究范式。

    As a special term , " Cultural Studies " is now the focus , dominant words and important research paradigm in the international and domestic academia .

  2. 索卡时间是阿兰·索卡(AlanSokal,物理学家)通过后现代文化研究杂志《社会文本》(杜克大学(DukeUniversity)出版)设计的骗局。

    The Sokal affair was a hoax by Alan Sokal ( a physicist ) perpetrated on the postmodern cultural studies journal Social Text ( published by Duke University ) .

  3. 他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。

    He was one of the world 's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture

  4. 文化研究视角观照下的R.施特劳斯音乐

    Culture Research Angle of View on Strauss ' Music

  5. 结果如下:(1)MSLSS是适合于中、以中学生生活满意度跨文化研究的有效工具;

    The results show : ( 1 ) MSLSS is an effective instrument to do the cross-cultural study on Chinese and Israeli middle school students ' life satisfaction .

  6. 狂欢理论与约翰·菲斯克的大众文化研究

    Bakhtin 's Carnival Theory and Popular Culture Studies of John Fiske

  7. 礼貌原则的跨文化研究

    A Cross - Cultural Approach to the Study of Politeness Principle

  8. 加强水文化研究创新思想政治工作途径

    Strengthen the water culture research and innovate ideology and politics work way

  9. 文化研究:西方与中国

    ( 14 ) Cultural Studies : The West and China

  10. 文化研究:现实背景与未来选择

    Cultural Research : Background in the Reality and Choice in the Future

  11. 第二、文学理论必须实现向文化研究的转型。

    Second , literary theory must turn its direction to culture study ;

  12. 全国排球联赛看台文化研究

    Study on Auditorium Culture of the National Volleyball League Match

  13. 文化研究之中也应宏扬审美向度。

    However , in culture studies , we should show our taste .

  14. 2哲学的文化研究这是文化哲学研究的第二阶段,也是文化哲学由浅入深的第二个层面,可谓文化哲学的第二形态。

    The first mode is the philosophical studying of culture .

  15. 把精神分析引入中国地域文化研究&论精神分析学派的隐型文化理论在中国地域文化研究中的改造性应用

    Introducing psychoanalysis into the research of the Chinese local culture

  16. 全球化时代的文化研究和翻译研究

    Cultural Studies and Translation Studies in the Age of Globalization

  17. 现代税收文化研究刍议

    Ponderation of the Researches in the Chinese Modern Tax Culture

  18. 泰州市水文化研究与实践设计

    Research on Taizhou City 's Water Culture and Practical Design

  19. 彝族民居民俗文化研究

    Studies on Dwelling Houses and Folk-Custom Culture of Yi Nationality

  20. 才子佳人小说的文化研究

    The Cultural Study on the Novel of Gifted Scholars and Beautiful Ladies

  21. 神歌是满族萨满文化研究的对象。

    The Spiritual Songs are the objects of studying Manchuria Shaman Culture .

  22. 在《中国建筑文化研究文库》首发式上的讲话

    Speech at Publishing Ceremonial of Research Library Chinese Architectural Culture

  23. 湘东北地区大屋民居形态与文化研究

    A Study on Architectural Form and Culture of Northeast of Hunan Province

  24. 中国传统法文化研究的优势与限度

    Advantage and Limitation of the Study of Traditional Legal Culture in China

  25. 研究方法:文化研究和比较研究。

    Research methods : Culture research and comparison research .

  26. 全球化、文化研究和中西比较文学研究

    Globalization , Cultural Studies and Chinese-Western comparative literature studies

  27. 岳阳历史文化研究失误原因探析

    An Analysis on Study Lapsus of Yueyang Historical Culture

  28. 当代体育运动心理学跨文化研究述评

    A Review on Cross-Cultural Studies in Contemporary Sport Psychology

  29. 面向电子商务的组织文化研究

    Study of Organizational Culture Based on E - Business

  30. 电影翻译与跨文化研究有着本质上的联系。

    Film translation is innately related to cross-cultural study .