
wén huà ɡōnɡ
  • cultural palace;palace of culture
文化宫 [wén huà gōng]
  • [palace of culture;cultural palace] 一种文化娱乐场所,一般规模较大并有较好设备,设有电影院、讲演厅等

  1. 他们也可以在富丽堂皇的工人文化宫里消遣娱乐。

    They may also amuse themselves in the magnificent Workers Palace of Culture .

  2. 为文化宫、图书馆等相关文化场所的景观灯产品设计提供了方法。

    For the palace of culture , libraries and other cultural sites related to product design provides a method of landscape lights .

  3. 西宁市文化宫古白榆复壮措施初探

    Primary Approach on Rejuvenation Measures of Age-old Siberian in Culture Palace Xining

  4. 平潭县工人文化宫建筑声学设计

    Architectural Acoustical Design of Pingtan Workers ′ Cultural Palace

  5. 民族文化宫抗震加固大修改造工程仿古屋顶改造措施

    Rebuilding Measures of Archaizing Rooftop in Seismic Retrofit Project Of Nation Culture Palace

  6. 民族文化宫钢筋混凝土梁板粘钢加固

    Sticking Steel Reinforcement of Reinforcement Concrete Beam and Board of National Culture Palace

  7. 自从去年夏天,我就一直去文化宫的跳舞课。

    I have been going to classes at culture hall since last summer .

  8. 民族文化宫加固改造工程综合施工技术

    Comprehensive Construction Technology Used in the Reinforcement and Modification Project of National Culture Palace

  9. 我们在1980年建造了两座文化宫。

    We built two cultural palaces in 1980 .

  10. 每个星期天,贝贝都会到文化宫学习芭蕾舞。

    Every Sunday , Bei Bei goes to the cultural palace to learn ballet .

  11. 文化宫里有图书馆、礼堂和游艺室。

    Housed in the Cultural Palace are a library , an auditorium and recreation rooms .

  12. 关于美&柏林世界文化宫艺术展作品选

    ' About Beauty ' & Work Selection from Art Exhibition at Congress Hall , Berlin

  13. 参加关于美丽,网络工程,世界文化宫,柏林,德国;

    About Beauty , Internet Project , Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt , Berlin , Germany .

  14. 其作品被广泛的展览于国家美术馆,文化宫,美国大使馆等。

    His works have been widely exhibited in the National Art Museum , the Cultural Palace , and the American Embassy in Beijing .

  15. 此次清理整顿的重点为文化宫、火车站、中心路等电玩经营相对集中的区域。

    The focus for the rectification of palaces , the railway station , road and other gaming operations center is relatively concentrated area .

  16. 经历了多年的冷清之后,年过半百的沈阳市工人文化宫无奈地悄然“转身”&这里已经形成了沈城西部地区最大的货运市场。

    After several years'cold-acceptance , more than fifty-year-old Shenyang Worker Cultural Palace has been transferred to the biggest freight center in West Shenyang .

  17. 2010年05月22日一场名为《中国百日游》的摄影展近日在保加利亚文化宫前的广场上拉开帷幕。

    2010-05-22 A photo exhibition entitled " 100 days in China " opened recently at the square in front of the Bulgarian National Palace of Culture .

  18. 本文介绍了厦门市工人文化宫地下停车场内长距离消防卷帘降温保护问题的方案比较,认为类似工点应当优先采用加密喷头闭式自动喷水系统。

    It was considered that the close type automatic water spraying system with densely arranged spray nozzles should be used priorly for the similar engineering project .

  19. 提出:以缅甸华人的抗战情结为基点,以东吁抗战文化宫为基地,丰富和完善缅甸华人抗战文化圈,呼吁海外华人及一切爱好和平的人们记住历史,奋发图强,共同建设人类美好的家园。

    It also proposes that the cultural ring of the Chinese-Burmese with Dongyu Culture Palace as the base should be strengthened and this history should be remembered while building a peaceful homeland for all .

  20. 介绍了在贵阳人民广场的扩建中,采用定向爆破拆除以原工人文化宫为中心的旧建筑物的设计及施工过程。

    In this paper , the design and process of demolition blasting of a group of old buildings centered around the Worker ′ s Cultural Palace in the People ′ s Square of Guiyang are introduced .

  21. 发生在2002年莫斯科轴承厂文化宫的人质事件,最终导致100多人丧生,俄罗斯政府在解救人质时使用的就是芬太尼的衍生物。

    In 2002 , the hostages were held by armed militants in the theater of Moscow axletree factory , this finally led to more than 100 hostages to be death . Russian government used the fentanyl derivatives to rescue hostages .

  22. 介绍某文化宫中央空调系统的改造设计方案、施工中遇到的难点问题和相应采取的解决方法,并对酚醛复合风管在该工程中的应用作了介绍。

    The paper introduced the conceptual design of the central air conditioning system upgrading of a cultural palace and problems come across during construction and the solutions , as well as the application of metlbond compound air pipe to the project .

  23. 包括宫体诗的思想文化背景;宫体诗与梁代社会风气的关系;

    Introduce the idea and culture background of Gongti poesy , and the relation between it and Liang dynasty society .

  24. 开放的社会和宽松的思想文化环境为写作宫怨诗创造了有利的条件;

    The open society and the free , ideological and cultural environ - ment ;

  25. 古文化街以天后宫为中心,拱形装饰。

    The Ancient Cultural Street , with Tianhougong ( palace of heavenly empress ) as the center , starts with a decorated archway .