
wén míng
  • civilization;civilized;culture;modern;bright
文明 [wén míng]
  • (1) [civilization;culture]∶人类所创造的财富的总和,特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学

  • 物质文明

  • 精神文明

  • (2) [civilized]∶指人类社会发展到较高阶段并具有较高文化的状态

  • (3) [modern]∶旧指具有当时西方色彩的

  • 文明戏

  • (4) [bright]∶光明,有文采

  • 天下文明

文明[wén míng]
  1. 维多利亚时代的人认为铁路带来了进步和文明。

    The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization .

  2. 我终于到了我们戏称为文明之地的地方。

    I finally reached what we laughingly call civilization .

  3. 这种娱乐文明有趣,对全家老少都适合。

    The entertainment was good clean fun for the whole family .

  4. 这种行为在文明社会是完全不能接受的。

    Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society .

  5. 发现以前文明的遗迹,真令人兴奋。

    It 's exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations .

  6. 没有不成文的规章,就不会有文明生活。

    Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible .

  7. 文明社会憎恶种族主义。

    Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society .

  8. 文明已濒临毁灭的边缘。

    Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse .

  9. 在帐篷里住了两个星期后又回到人类文明的生活可真好呀!

    It 's good to be back in civilization after two weeks in a tent !

  10. 这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。

    The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature .

  11. 他们尽量播放文明、健康、正派的电影。

    They 're trying to show clean , wholesome , decent movies

  12. 我们想特别指出威胁文明的主要因素。

    We wanted to single out the main threat to civilisation .

  13. 这部歌剧是西方文明的文化标志物之一。

    This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilisation .

  14. 古代中美洲和拉丁美洲的文明社会是建立在玉米之上的。

    The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn

  15. 他确实认为欧洲文明道德沦丧。

    He really thinks that European civilisation is morally bankrupt .

  16. 马里是非洲一些最悠久的文明的发祥地。

    Mali is the cradle of some of Africa 's richest civilizations .

  17. 昨天的作供是在激烈但文明地表达分歧的氛围中开始的。

    Yesterday 's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement

  18. 我认为我们可以相当准确地确定西方文明开始衰落的年代。

    I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely

  19. 检验一个社会是否文明的办法就是看它怎样对待其少数群体。

    The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities .

  20. 这种残忍地对待动物的行为是任何一个文明社会都不能容忍的。

    This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society .

  21. 我原以为在文明国家,严刑拷打早已销声匿迹。

    I believed that in civilized countries , torture had ended long ago .

  22. 远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。

    Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight .

  23. 比较擅长贸易的文明其财富也随之增长。

    Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth

  24. 3个主要故事在福柯的《疯癫与文明》一书当中密切相联。

    Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault 's text , ' Madness and Civilisation '

  25. 当就要离开这里返回文明世界时,我们俩都觉得恢复了活力。

    When it was time to leave and return to civilization we both felt rejuvenated

  26. 对于欧洲人来说,法律是对基本文明行为准则的表述。

    For Europeans , the law is a statement of basic principles of civilised conduct

  27. 各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡。

    Civilizations do eventually decline and perish .

  28. 文明社会的特征是照顾最弱势群体。

    The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members .

  29. 在他看来,西方文明似乎陷入严重的经济和文化危机。

    It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger .

  30. 伦敦洋溢着自信和活力,呈现出一个文明城市的所有特性。

    London is confident and alive , resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city .