
  • 网络Bed slope;river bed gradient;slope of river bed;channel gradient
  1. 究其原因,主要有以下方面:淮河中下游河床比降小、北岸支流流域面积大和支流曲系不发达等地理因素;

    The causes were as followings : the geographic cause of the comparatively low middle and down beds of the Huai River and its large north branch area , as well as its underdeveloped branch system ;

  2. 河床组成与河谷比降直接影响流量过程的作用效果。

    The discharge process influences the channel pattern based on the relationship between the flow and the river bed .

  3. 这时河床十分宽阔,在-20-30m附近河床的宽度是现今河床宽度的4-5倍。这一时期河床特性是:河床宽,比降小,流量大,流速小,河流的沉积作用比较强。

    Drop of water is smaller , riverbed is very broad , and runoff is very large , current velocity is small , aggradation is prominent .