
  • 网络Stanovoy Range;Stanovoy Mountains;Stanovoi Mountains
  1. 黑龙江流域是指外兴安岭以南、黑龙江以北、乌苏里江流域、包括库页岛在内的广大地区。

    The Heilongjiang Basin refers to the vast areas in the south of the Stanovoy Range , the north of Heilongjiang River , the Wusuli River Basin as well as Sakhalin Island .

  2. 具体地说,就是今天的中国加上巴尔喀什湖和帕米尔高原以东,蒙古高原和外兴安岭以南的地区。

    Compared with neighborhood , the similarity coefficient of Karakorum and Kunlun mountains to Pamirs Plateau of China is the tallest .

  3. 金共历九帝,前后120年,疆域盛时北达今外兴安岭,南抵淮河,东临于海,西至陕西,人口4470余万。

    Ruled by nine emperors , and lasted for 120 years . At its height , it had a population of 44 . 7 million people and its territory extended as far as the Outer Xing'an Ling Mountain in the north , the Huai River in the south , the coastline in the east , and Shaanxi in the west .