
dī xiōnɡ
  • low-cut
  1. 她那袭大胆的低胸裙使观众大为震惊。

    Her daringly low-cut dress scandalised audiences .

  2. 她通过这身VeraWang设计的超低胸性感婚纱,果敢打破“新娘要自重”这一传统偏见。

    Her body through the low bosom Vera Wang design sexy dress and courageous break " bride self-respect " this traditional prejudice .

  3. 比方说,诸位看一下AgentProvocateur那几款最为畅销的文胸:Annoushka绕颈系带露背奢华蕾丝款(售价160英镑)、十字交叉形Jet低胸露背款(售价110英镑)以及Demelza薄纱丝绸文胸(售价125英镑)。

    See , for example the bestselling bras at Agent Provocateur : Annoushka ( £ 160 ) , a halter-neck-style in delicate lace ; the Jet ( £ 110 ) , which criss-crosses the d é colletage ; and the tulle and silk Demelza ( £ 125 ) .

  4. 老公送了她一件低胸礼服作为结婚周年礼物。

    Her husband gave her a low-neck dress as anniversary gift .

  5. 她身穿一件紧贴着她的身体的曲线的低胸露肩连衣裙。

    She was wearing a low strapless dress that hugged her curves cleverly .

  6. 别担心,我带了我的几件哦,低胸衫。

    Don 't worry , I brought some of mine . Oh , boob shirts .

  7. 就选这个好了你的低胸衫放哪了?

    Where are your boob shirts ?

  8. 就像戈麦斯,她就在慈善舞会上穿着一条低胸的栗色长裙惊艳亮相。

    As far as Gomez , she stunned in a low-cut maroon gown while at the Gala .

  9. 多数明星都承认她们只是在演出的时候才穿上露腹、低胸、有时透明的衣服。

    Most pop stars agree that they wear the stomach low-cut and sometimes see-through clothes only in performances ;

  10. 我穿上一件棕色的高领毛衣,还有那条不可避免的牛仔裤。当我白日做梦地幻想着低胸细肩带上衣和热裤时,我不由得叹了口气。

    I pulled on my brown turtleneck and the inescapable jeans , sighing as I daydreamed of spaghetti straps and shorts .

  11. 短袖、低胸、A字裙剪裁,点缀着很深的藏青色和深蓝色圆点,非常合我的胃口。

    Short sleeved , low cut , A-line and very dark navy with dark blue dots , it was extremely me .

  12. 继1994年以来的伊丽莎白赫利的低胸别针晚装和1954年奥黛丽赫本在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上穿的纪梵希花瓣式礼服之后,茱莉亚罗伯茨成为了第三个荣登此位的明星。

    behind Elizabeth Hurley 's Versace safety-pin dress from 1994 and Audrey Hepburn 's Givenchy floral outfit at the 1954 Oscars .

  13. 红色印花外套,配上低胸丝质的皇家蓝紫过膝中裙绝对是你参加时尚派对的完美着装。

    A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky , royal blue-and-purple , above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options .

  14. 大概是为了不引人注意,“低调的”布兰妮还是身穿普通牛仔裤以及丝质T恤混在普通人之中,即使穿着低调,布兰妮仍旧星味十足,狗仔还是捕捉到了她的性感豹纹内衣从低胸T恤中“半隐半露”的香艳照片。

    Wearing dark wash jeans and a silky turquoise top she showed off her tan and a small flash of her animal print bra .

  15. 事实上,虽然猫头鹰餐厅的女侍应生按规定须穿低胸T恤和热裤,但她们也被允许穿运动鞋。

    In fact , while Hooters waitresses are required to sport low-cut T-shirts and hot pants , even they are allowed to wear trainers .

  16. 卡特西雍博士说:“我们的研究结果呈现了一些有趣的趋向。低胸装显著影响了招聘者的选择,即使是在会计职位的招聘上。”

    Dr Kertechian said : ' Our results showed interesting trends as low-cut dresses significantly influenced the choice of the recruiters , even for accounting positions .

  17. 这位女侠着黑色低胸紧身衣,戴蓝色面具,让人瞩目的不仅是她的慷慨,更是她的装扮。

    Dressed in low-cut black tights and wearing a blue mask , her pictures leave us wondering if she attracted attention for more than just her generosity .

  18. 低胸黑色简约宫廷式上衣与繁琐的乳白色碎边粗布裙形成的强烈反差,透过别致的藏饰腰带达到了令人惊艳的审美境界。

    Simple low-cut black shirt and cumbersome court-style white pieces on rough in modest form a strong contrast between the belt through the chic Cangshi reached stunning aesthetic realm .

  19. 在申请的200个岗位中,附有低胸装照片的简历比照片中穿着保守的简历多赢得62个面试机会。

    Out of the 200 roles that were applied for , the submissions which were accompanied by a low-cut dress received 62 more interview offers than their more conservatively dressed counterparts .

  20. 27%的男性认为透视装(或透明薄纱衣服)和抹胸超出了他们能接受的范围,24%的男性不能接受超短裙,22%的男性反对在办公室穿低胸上衣。

    See-through , or ' sheer ' , tops were deemed beyond the pale by 27 percent of men , while 24 percent named miniskirts and 22 percent low cut tops .

  21. 大多数女性会烦恼如何确保自己的简历达到标准。而一项研究发现,获得面试机会的秘诀可能很简单,只要穿上低胸装就好。

    Most women will agonise over making sure their CV is up to scratch - but the secret to securing a job interview may be as simple as wearing a low-cut dress , a study found .

  22. 纵观历史,立法、地方规定与社会压力合在一起,影响着女性的穿着方式——紧身胸衣和低胸装、箍衬裙和衬垫,乃至长裤充满争议的登场。

    Throughout history , a combination of legislation , local regulation and social pressure has influenced the way women have dressed - corsets and d é collet é , hoop skirts and bustles , the controversial advent of pants .

  23. 监狱接待员凯蒂罗伊表示,着装新规定自上月公布以来,监狱已经禁止了部分女探监者入内,包括两名身着低胸细肩带上衣的妇女。

    Since the draft policy was posted last month , the jail has turned away a few women , said Katie Roy , a receptionist . Those include two women who tried to get in with low-cut shirts with spaghetti straps .

  24. 据科技门户网站Phys.org报道,进行此项研究的巴黎第四大学的塞瓦格·卡特西雍博士将在伦敦的身体形象大会上介绍研究成果:如果女性求职者在简历上使用穿低胸装的照片,她们获得面试的机会就会提高19倍。

    The study , conducted by Dr. Sevag Kertechian of Paris-Sorbonne University and set to be presented at the Appearance Matters Conference in London , found that female job applicants were 19 times more successful in securing an interview if they wore a low-cut top in the required application photo , according to Phys.org .