
  • 网络Low energy state;deeper energy
  1. Fe~(+24)、Fe~(+25)低能态能级结构及Kα、Kβ特征线的计算&相对论微扰法

    Calculations on the Low Energy States and the K_ α, K_ β Lines of Fe  ̄( + 24 ) and Fe  ̄( + 25 ) - Method of Relativistic Perturbation

  2. 考虑样品表面的温度效应和曲率效应,基于从头计算的模拟退火算法,计算了Ni(36)Al(19)团簇的低能态结构。

    Considering the temperature and curvature effects in sample surface , the structure of the medium-sized cluster Ni_ ( 36 ) Al_ ( 19 ) is calculated by simulated annealing algorithm based on ab-initio method .

  3. 在量子阱AlGaN/GaN中纵向光学(LO)声子散射的能够迅速的消除激光低能态的布居数,GaN的大LO声子能量(约90meV),有效地减少高温下产生激光低能态的热布居。

    While the ultrafast longitudinal optical ( LO ) phonon scattering in AlGaN / GaN QWs can be used for the rapid depopulation of the lower laser state , the large LO-phonon energy ( - 90meV ) can effectively reduce the thermal population of the lasing states at higher temperatures .

  4. 气辉是处于激发态的大气分子或者原子跃迁到较低能态是辐射出来的一定波长的光。

    When excited atmospheric molecule or atom transmits to lower level , the light with some wavelength will emit .

  5. 表明该活动区松弛到了一个低能态但不是最小能量状态。

    The active region was relaxed to a lower energy state , but not completely to the minimum energy state .

  6. 少体束缚态的低能态和简谐振子混合基矢展开方法

    The Expansion Method of Mixed Basis Vectors of Lower-energy States and Harmonic Oscillators in Calculation of Bound States of Few-Body Systems

  7. 目前大多数理论都只能计算低能态问题,我们的工作则是基于一种关于高激发态原子径向矩阵元计算的新方法和成果上的。

    Our work is based on the new method and achievements which about high excited state atomic radial matrix element calculation .

  8. 晶界是一种面缺陷,存在晶界能,并且有向低能态转化的趋势。

    GB was a kind of defect structure and contained GB energy , it has the trend of development to low energy state .

  9. 当原子处于两低能态的相干叠加态时,原子初态分布几率和位相对腔场谱结构有明显的影响。

    The probability amplitudes and relative phase play a decisive role in the spectrum structure when the atom is in a coherent superposition of the two lower levels initially .

  10. 在原子系统处于低能态、光子数很大的初始条件下,得到了作用系统的动力学变化规律。

    For an atomic system initially in ground state , it , is shown that the dynamics of the system can be approached exatlywhen the number of photons are very large .

  11. 处于激发态的原子可以通过受激辐射或自发辐射的形式跃迁到低能态,其中受激辐射可形成激光,而自发辐射则是量子噪声的起源。

    Excited atom may decay to the ground state through stimulated radiation or spontaneous emission . Stimulated radiation can generate laser , while spontaneous emission is the origin of quantum noise .

  12. 通过调节三量子点中两个低能态的简并性,单个电子能够被囚禁在暗态。这个态是由于两个低能态到高能态的遂穿之间破坏性的量子干涉所引起。

    By tuning the degeneracy of the two lower-energy states in the TQD , an electron can be trapped in the dark state caused by the destructive quantum interference between tunnelings to the higher-energy state .

  13. 应用含时密度泛函理论研究了SiN团簇低能激发态的性质。

    The low-lying excited states of the SiN cluster are studied using the time-dependent ( TD ) density functional theory ( DFT ) .

  14. 本文分析了由原子核的相互作用玻色子模型揭示的SU6对称性,阐述了SU6哈密顿量在统一描述原子核低能集体态上的重要作用。

    This paper is devoted to analyse the SU_6 symmetry in nuclei , as indicated by the interacting model ( IBM ), and explain the important role of the SU_6 Hamiltonian in unifying the description of the nuclear collective motion .

  15. 该方案的主要优点是将信息存储在SQUID的两个稳定的低能级态上,并应用SQUID与腔的大失谐相互作用,减少了自发辐射的影响,有效地抑制了腔泄露。

    In this scheme , information is stored in two stable low energy levels of SQUID and large detuning interaction of SQUID – cavity is employed , therefore spontaneous radiation and the leakage off the cavity are effectively suppressed .

  16. 旋光异构体或顺/反结构相差较大的异构体之间,红外光谱和热力学及低能激发态性质有明显的差异。

    The differences were observable of IR spectra and other thermodynamic properties between stereo isomers .

  17. 顺/反结构相似的异构体之间红外光谱差异不大,但热力学和低能激发态性质却呈现差异;

    From the theoretical investigation , it is showed that there are no large differences of their IR spectra and other thermodynamic properties between conformational isomers .

  18. 原子的自发辐射是处于激发态的原子在无外来扰动作用下自发的跃迁到低能级态并辐射出一个光子的过程,是量子光学领域研究的重要课题之一。

    The atomic spontaneous emission is that an atom transits from its excited state spontaneously to its lower energy state to emit a photon without external disturbation . It is one of the most important research areas in quantum optics .

  19. 本工作实验研究低能高电荷态Ar13+离子与金属Mo表面作用过程中Mo原子受激发射X射线和X射线强度随入射能量的变化。

    X-ray spectra and intensities variation with incident energy of low energy highly charged Ar ~ ( 13 + ) ions in interaction with Mo metallic surface was studied .

  20. 绝缘材料微孔膜对低能高电荷态离子束的导向效应研究

    Study of Guiding Effect of Slow Highly Charged Ions by Capillary Membranes in Insulators

  21. 低能高电荷态氩离子与氩原子碰撞反应截面研究

    Study of cross section of low energy highly charged argon ions collision on argon atoms reaction

  22. 低能散射,界态,共振。

    Low-energy Scattering , Bound States , Resonances .

  23. 以低能级的几个态为例,用数值方法计算了两离子间的平均距离,并绘出了两离子的概率分布图。

    Taking several quantum states with lower quantum numbers as examples , we compute the average distances between two ions and give the plots of probability distribution of the two ions .