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  • hypomagnesemia
  1. FDA相信非处方药类质子泵抑制剂如果按照其标签上标注的用法使用,引发低镁血症的风险很低。

    FDA believes that there is very little risk of hypomagnesemia when OTC PPIs are used according to the directions on the OTC label .

  2. 糖尿病患者镁负平衡与低镁血症

    Negative balance of magnesium and hypomagnesemia in diabetic patients

  3. 结果2型DM患者低镁血症的发生率为23.7%。

    Results The incidence of hypomagnesemia in type 2 DM was 23.7 % .

  4. FDA评估报告显示低镁血症相关的不良事件和长期使用质子泵抑制剂有关。

    The FDA review suggests an association between hypomagnesemia-related serious adverse events and prolonged PPI use .

  5. 制定针对抗EGFR单克隆抗体治疗引起的低镁血症的预防措施需要深入理解低镁血症潜在发病机理。

    Development of preventive strategies against hypomagnesaemia that is induced by anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies will need better understanding of the underlying pathogenesis .

  6. 采用抗EGFR单克隆抗体治疗后可能伴发或无严重低镁血症,针对患者EGFR多态现象进行广泛研究或许能阐明这种毒副作用的发生机理。

    Comprehensive studies of EGFR polymorphisms in patients with and without severe hypomagnesaemia after treatment with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies might shed further light on this toxicity .

  7. 婴儿低镁血症32例分析

    Analysis on 32 Infants with Low Magnesium Blood Disease

  8. 婴幼儿腹泻伴低镁血症26例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on 26 Cases with Infant Diarrhea Complicated by Low Serum Mg Disease

  9. 一例低镁血症病牛并无器质性损害。

    In a case of hypomagnesaemia in a cow there is no physical lesion .

  10. 结论引起临床低镁血症的疾病常见于腹泻、新生儿肺炎、低血钙性惊厥、营养不良等疾病。

    Conclusion Clinically hypomagnesemia is often identified in patients with diarrhoea , neonatal pneumonia , hypocalcemia convulsion etc.

  11. 大多数病例在低镁血症得到治疗后没有继续使用质子泵抑制剂。

    In most cases reviewed the patients did not continue on PPIs after the hypomagnesemia was treated .

  12. [结果]除1例发生无症状性低镁血症外,治疗前后其他电解质及肝、肾功能均无异常改变;

    There were not much changes in electrolytes , hepatic and renal functions except in one case with hypomagnesemia without clinical symptoms .

  13. 本文报道了17例新生儿低镁血症,以早产儿、早期新生儿、牛乳喂养儿多见。

    This paper reports 17 cases of newborn infants hypomagnesemia and most cases are premature infants , early newborn infants and cow milk feeding infants .

  14. 对于服用心脏病治疗药地高辛的患者,这点尤其重要,因为低镁血症可能增加一些严重副作用的发生率。

    For patients taking digoxin , a heart medicine , this is especially important because low magnesium can increase the likelihood of serious side effects .

  15. 由于低镁血症可能会被漏诊和漏报,现有数据还不能对接受质子泵抑制剂治疗后低镁血症的发生率进行准确评估。

    However , because hypomagnesemia is likely under-recognized and under-reported , the available data are insufficient to quantify an incidence rate for hypomagnesemia with PPI therapy .

  16. 研究结果提示,应重视肝、肾移植患者手术后出现的低镁血症和低锌血症,并做适当的补充。

    In conclusion , it must pay more attention to the hypomagnesemia and hypozincemia appeared in patients after liver or renal transplantation and supply some to the patients properly .

  17. 在这些心律失常患者中,低镁血症明显多于无心律失常患者,分别占83.9%与26.6%(P<0.001)。

    The incidence of hypomagnesemia was significantly higher in patients with arrhythmias than those without , the percentages of incidence were 83.9 and 26.6 ( P < 0.001 ) respectively .

  18. 如果您曾获知血镁水平偏低,或者您正在服用地高辛、利尿剂或其它可能导致低镁血症的药物,请告诉您的医疗保健专业人员。

    Tell your healthcare professional if you have ever been told you have low magnesium levels in your blood , or if you take the drug digoxin , diuretics , or other drugs that may cause hypomagnesemia .

  19. 为了探讨新生儿颅内出血与低钙低镁血症的关系,本文作者对36例新生儿颅内出血患儿进行了血清钙、镁的检测。

    In order to study the relationship between intracranial hemorrhage and hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia in newbron infants , the concentration of serum calcium and magnesium of 36 newbron if ants with intracranial hemorrhage were measured .

  20. 大多数患者TP、PA等多项生化指标均出现明显下降而脱氧血红蛋白百分率(HHb)明显上升,同时伴有低磷、低镁血症。

    In most cases , multiple biochemistry items dropped significantly , such as TP , PA , etc , while the HHb increased greatly , accompanied with low P and Mg .

  21. 急性脑卒中后继发顽固性呃逆与低血钙、低镁血症关系

    Relationship of secondary obstinate hiccup , and hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia in the patients of acute stoke