
dī shuǐ wèi
  • low water level
  • low water
低水位 [dī shuǐ wèi]
  • [low water] 河流或湖泊等的较浅的水位

  1. 在低水位或者水返回的总损失导致过度震动和扭矩情况下,允许将AUS-PLUG膨胀在水中或泥浆中15-20分钟。

    In circumstances where a low water level or total loss of water returns results in excessive vibration and torque , AUS-PLUG can be allowed to swell in water or mud for15-20 minutes .

  2. 低水位体系域在地质学上的意义&以赣西北地区为例

    The significance of low water level domain in geology : taking the Northwest Jiangxi area as an example

  3. 广州发电厂50MW汽轮机组回热加热器,特别是高加部分,由于种种原因存在因低水位或无水位运行产生串汽的问题。

    The heater drainage system in Guangzhou Power Station was operated in non-water or low-water .

  4. 土坝劈裂灌浆技术以往大都在坝高低于50m的均质坝和宽心墙坝中使用,且要求在水库低水位期进行。

    In the past , splitting-grouting technique for earth dams was usually adopted for homogeneous dams and thick core dams with the height lower than 50 m , running with low-water level .

  5. 鉴于秦皇岛港工程开发的需要,本大根据该港多年实测潮汐资料,推算了该港的设计水位和校核水位。推算得出秦皇岛港的设计高、低水位分别为1.63m和0.02m;

    For the need of the development of the Qinhuangdao Port , based on the observed tidal data of many years at the port , the design water level and the check water level are calculated in this paper .

  6. 密西西比河的低水位正在造成问题。

    Low water levels on the Mississippi are causing problems .

  7. 标志潮水高水位低水位的线。

    A line indicating the high-water or low-water limits of the tides .

  8. 他说,西部的环境正在向低水位变化。

    He said the West is becoming a low-water environment .

  9. 高、低压加热器低水位运行的分析研究

    Analytical Research on the Low Water-level Operation of High and Low Pressure Heaters

  10. 每个层序又包括高水位、湖侵和低水位三个体系域。

    Every sequence was comprised by lowstand , transgressive and highstand systen tracts .

  11. 低水位田地种桑养蚕的实践

    The practice of silkworm breeding in low-lying paddy field

  12. 收件箱的低水位线值必须小于高水位线值。

    The Inbox low watermark value must be smaller than the high watermark value .

  13. 带有低水位水箱的抽水马桶。拖动到墙的边缘。

    Wall toilet with low-level cistern . Drag to the edge of a wall .

  14. 低水位有助于鱼类的致命杀手寄生虫的传播。

    The low water levels fuel the spread of parasites that kill the fish .

  15. 低水位时,低滩散布多种草本植物;

    Many grass species scatter on these flood plains as the water level is low .

  16. 低水位平槽,低水位平洗机我们通过沟槽把脏水排放到下水道中。

    Low level open washer We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer .

  17. 山区河流电站下游河段设计低水位确定方法

    Method of determining designed lowest navigable stage of the power plant downstream in a mountainous river

  18. 小浪底工程低水位运行期进水塔上游泥沙问题研究

    Study on Sedimentation Upstream of the Intake of the Xiaolangdi Project at the Initial Operation Level

  19. 山西晚古生代层序地层低水位期沉积特征探讨

    Probe into Sedimentary Feature of Late Paleozoic Sequence Strata During Lower Water Level Period in Shanxi Province

  20. 低水位体系域碳、氧同位素组成变化剧烈,且均为负值。

    The change of carbon-oxygen isotope composition is very big and negative number in lowstand system tracts .

  21. 高品质的区域性储层通常与超层序的高水位期-低水位期相一致。

    While the high-quality regional reservoirs would be consistent with the highstand and lowstand of the supersequence .

  22. 低水位斜坡扇的特征及在油气勘探中的意义

    Sedimentary feature and significance of oil gas exploration of the slope fan system of the low system tract

  23. 特点:电子控温电路,实时温度数码显示,低水位声光报警装置。

    Characteristics : Electronic temperature-control circuit , real-time temperature numeral display , and low water level acoustooptic alarming device .

  24. 低水位时期坡折带控制了下切谷-低位三角洲沉积体系的发育。

    The depositional slope - break belt controls the development of sediment system of eroded valley - low stand delta .

  25. 落潮:退去或退落的潮水;高水位相继的低水位时期。

    Ebb tide : the receding or outgoing tide ; the period between high water and the succeeding low water .

  26. 由高水位向低水位流动的水流形成这一盆地向另一盆地的出流和入流。

    Flow from the high water level to the lower constitutes the inflow or outflow from one basin to another .

  27. 评价结果表明,Ⅰ类储层以分流河道为主,在低水位体系域较为发育;

    The evaluation result shows that type ⅰ reservoir is dominated by branch channel which is developing in lowstand systems tract ;

  28. 低水位运行产生的冲刷效果和淤积物的抗冲特性密切相关。

    Souring effect induced by low water lever movement has a close contact to the scour resistance characteristic of the siltation .

  29. 低水位期以盆缘-下斜坡混屑浊积岩为特征,陆棚边缘体系域中重力流相对较少;

    Lowstand is characterized by basin margin downslope miscellaneous lithic turbidites , and gravity flow is relatively less in shelf marginal systems .

  30. 把下白垩统划分为1个三级层序和低水位体系域、湖侵体系域、高水位体系域。

    The Lower Cretaceous is divided into 1 sequence and lowstand system tract , transgressive system tract as well as highstand system tract .