
  • 网络low income;Low Income Countries;low-income countries;LICs
  1. 在加入开发计划署,Klugman了在世界银行多样的职业生涯,尤其侧重于非洲,欧洲和亚洲低收入国家。

    Before joining UNDP , Klugman had a diverse career at the World Bank , focusing in particular on low income countries in Africa , Europe and Asia .

  2. ZahidaBibi是巴基斯坦一名患糖尿病的65岁妇女。她的故事代表许多糖尿病患者的经历,尤其在低收入国家。

    The story of Zahida Bibi , a65 year old woman living with diabetes in Pakistan is typical of the experience of many people with diabetes , especially in low income countries .

  3. 在加快疫苗分配和减债进程中,全球范围的协调工作至关重要,对低收入国家而言尤其如此。

    Globally coordinated efforts are essential to accelerate vaccine distribution and debt relief , particularly for low-income countries .

  4. 气候顺应试验方案是19亿美元的战略性气候基金(StrategicClimateFund)的一部分,后者管理着资助低收入国家的森林保护和可再生能源的方案。

    The climate resilience pilot program is part of the $ 1.9 billion Strategic Climate Fund , which administers programs financing forest preservation and renewable energy in low-income countries .

  5. 为今年9月二十国集团匹兹堡峰会撰写的一篇文章保护发展:全球衰退背景下低收入国家面临的挑战(pdf格式)指出,很多脆弱国家倚重商品出口、汇款、外国援助以及紧急和安全援助。

    Many fragile states are heavily dependent on commodity exports , remittances , foreign aid and emergency and security assistance .

  6. 由人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)造成的宫颈癌,是低收入国家中导致妇女癌症死亡的一个主要原因。

    Cervical cancer , which is caused by HPV , is a leading cause of cancer death among women in low-income countries .

  7. 对于除南非以外的撒哈拉以南非洲国家,2010年GDP预计增长4.8%,脆弱国家和低收入国家预计分别增长4.2%和4.8%。

    In2010 GDP is expected to grow by4.8 percent in Sub-Saharan African countries excluding South Africa , with growth of4.2 percent in fragile countries and4.8 percent in low-income countries .

  8. 亿万富翁迈克布隆伯格(MikeBloomberg)和比尔盖茨(BillGates)创建了一只禁烟法律基金,旨在帮助较低收入国家保护它们的烟草控制法不受烟草公司诉讼的影响。

    Billionaires Mike Bloomberg and Bill Gates have launched an anti-smoking legal fund designed to help lower-income countries defend their tobacco-control laws against lawsuits by cigarette companies .

  9. UNITAID缓解了这种担忧,它说低收入国家和中等收入国家都将受益。

    UNITAID allayed the fears , saying that both low and middle income countries would benefit .

  10. IMF预测,低收入国家今年的表现,将不及3月份时该机构预期的水平,因为贸易、汇款、外资以及援助都低于预期。

    The IMF expects low-income countries to perform worse in 2009 than it expected in March , as trade , remittances , foreign investment and aid have all fallen short of expectations .

  11. “甲型H1N1流感病毒的出现表明了储备(疫苗和药物的)概念的局限性,特别是对于低收入国家的局限性,”PATH的全球疫苗工作主任KatherineNeuzil说。

    " The emergence of H1N1 showed the limitations of a stockpile concept , particularly for low-income countries ," said Katherine Neuzil , director of PATH 's global vaccine work .

  12. 我们将继续同多边开发银行合作,并鼓励各国开发银行,通过优化资产负债表的方式提供额外贷款,并确保G20在基础设施领域的工作惠及低收入国家。

    We will continue to work with multilateral development banks , and encourage national development banks , to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending and ensure our work on infrastructure benefits low-income countries .

  13. CAA从中国带来了约40名采矿工程师、会计和其他专业人士,其他工作人员则是来自柬埔寨、缅甸和越南等低收入国家的工人。

    CAA Resources brought in about 40 mining engineers , accountants and other professionals from China , and filled the rest of its work force with laborers from low-wage countries like Cambodia , Myanmar and Vietnam .

  14. 拉托表示,各方已达成共识,认为imf第二阶段的改革必须解决治理和控制的问题,以便更好地反映“全球经济权重的变化”,以及更好地处理“低收入国家的代表问题”。

    Mr Rato said there was agreement that the second stage of IMF reform would have to address governance and control of the fund , better to reflect " changes in world economic weight " and also to tackle the " representation of low-income countries " .

  15. Broutet的团队正利用专门为低收入国家设计的检测方法,研究人乳头状瘤病毒检测在非洲的落实问题。

    Broutet 's team is studying the implementation of HPV testing in Africa , using a test designed specifically for lower-income countries .

  16. 法语非洲(PASEC)和东南非洲(SACMEQ)最近进行的国际调查表明,在所有参加评估的低收入国家中,男童都领先于女童。

    Recent international surveys by Francophone Africa ( PASEC ) and Eastern and Southern Africa ( SACMEQ ) show boys ahead of girls in all of the low income countries who participated in the assessments .

  17. 首先,我们必须帮助低收入国家发展经济。

    First , we must help low-income countries grow their economies .

  18. 催化基金为低收入国家提供过渡性援助。

    The Catalytic Fund provides transitional assistance to low income countries .

  19. 低收入国家占非故意溺水死亡的96%;

    Low-and middle-income countries account for96 % of unintentional drowning deaths ;

  20. 中国开始从低收入国家逐渐步入中等收入国家的行列。

    China is starting stepping from lower-income nation into medium-income nations .

  21. 亚太地区低收入国家粮食政策的比较研究

    Grain Policies of Low-Income Countries in Asia-Pacific Region : A Comparative Study

  22. 但大多数低收入国家仍然大量依靠外部资助。

    But most low income countries still rely heavily on external funding .

  23. 而其它低收入国家的平均水平为人均37美元。

    The average across other low-income countries is $ 37 per person .

  24. 在低收入国家建立加氟规划以改进获得氟化物;

    Fluoridation programmes to improve fluoride access in low-income countries ;

  25. 亚洲低收入国家与正崛起国家增长的决定性因素之对比分析

    Growth Determinants in Low - income and Emerging Asia : A Comparative Analysis

  26. 低收入国家的增长普遍保持了抗冲击力。

    Growth has generally remained resilient in low-income countries .

  27. 这组科学家计算了在低收入国家控制脊髓灰质炎和根除该病的成本。他们发现根除该病导致更少的病例和更低的累积费用。

    They found that eradication results in fewer cases and offers lower cumulative costs .

  28. 快速的经济发展使中国从一个低收入国家向中等收入国家转变。

    Rapid economic development is transforming China from a low-income to a medium-income nation .

  29. 在低收入国家,实现千年发展目标的可行性被广泛地错误估计。

    The feasibility of meeting the MDGs in the low-income countries is widely misjudged .

  30. 没有任何低收入国家达到了这一最佳做法要求的程度。

    No low-income country meets this best-practice level .