
  • 网络University of Ghana
  1. 此项研究由加纳海岸角大学(UniversityofCapeCoast)的研究人员实施,他们在研究报告中指出,手机上的细菌密度很高,所带病菌种类也很丰富。

    The study authors , from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana , noted the high concentration and diversity of bacteria on the phones .

  2. 加纳毕业于德克萨斯大学法学院,执教于德克萨斯大学法学院和南方卫理公会大学法学院,并获南方卫理公会大学法学院杰出客座教授的称号。

    A graduate of the University of Texas School of Law , Garner has taught there and at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law , where he bears the title distinguished adjunct professor .