
jiā gōng
  • process;machining;work;finish;handling;treat
加工 [jiā gōng]
  • (1) [process;work]∶通过特殊处理使原材料、半成品变得合用或达到某种要求

  • 钢材冷加工

  • (2) [treat;finish]∶为改善外观、味道、用途或其它性能而工作

  • 用浸洗加工地毯

加工[jiā gōng]
  1. 经过工厂加工的食品会失去许多色泽、味道和质地。

    Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour , flavour and texture .

  2. 然后去核再将李子加工成糊状。

    Then stone the fruit and process the plums to a puree .

  3. 他们在按0.0001厘米的公差加工。

    They were working to a tolerance of 0.0001 of a centimetre .

  4. 这种材料很容易用机器切割并加工成型。

    This material can be cut and machined easily .

  5. 这个工具是用来加工木料的。

    This tool is used for shaping wood .

  6. 政府贸然禁止出口未加工过的原木。

    The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs

  7. 这种织物非常结实,能经受粗加工。

    The fabric is strong enough to withstand harsh processing .

  8. 我建议你尽量不要食用加工好的食品。

    I recommend that you avoid processed foods whenever possible .

  9. 许多人受雇于监狱的木材和金属加工厂。

    Many are employed in the prison 's wood and metalwork factories .

  10. 所有零件都是用顶级高强度铝加工而成。

    All parts are machined from top grade , high tensile aluminium .

  11. 对核废料进行再加工的理由不可避免地受到了质疑。

    The rationale of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is inevitably being questioned .

  12. 它们看上去有益健康,实则掩盖了其为精加工食品这一事实。

    Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods

  13. 这些材料将会被加工成塑料小球。

    The material will be processed into plastic pellets .

  14. 如果你有食品加工机,做这种点心轻而易举。

    Making the pastry is a breeze if you have a food processor .

  15. 他们往往会买便宜的加工食品,像鸡肉罐头和通心粉之类的。

    They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni .

  16. 这种加工过程可酿造出果香更加浓郁的葡萄酒。

    The process results in a much fruitier wine .

  17. 茶叶加工对工艺和手法都有要求。

    Tea processing requires both technique and artistry .

  18. 这些门真是极品,全部由红木一类的优质木材加工而成。

    The doors here are really something , all made of good wood like mahogany

  19. 今年将会有近10亿只禽类在这个地区加工。

    This year , almost a billion birds will be processed in the region .

  20. 这种材料在一家工厂里用机器加工成型。

    The material is machined in a factory

  21. 所幸的是,铁可以再加工,次品、废品不必被扔掉。

    Luckily , iron can be reworked and mistakes don 't have to be thrown away

  22. 将织物的毛边与滚边未经加工的边对齐。

    Keep the rough edge of the fabric aligned with the raw edge of the piping .

  23. 把包括一撮盐在内的所有配料放入食品加工机。

    Put all the ingredients , including a pinch of salt , into a food processor .

  24. 肉煮熟后,沥干肉汁,将其放入食品加工机或绞肉机中。

    When cooked , drain off the juices and put the meat in a processor or mincer .

  25. 把它放到食品加工器里搅拌是个好主意,因为这样能够使混合物的分量减轻。

    It is a good idea to blend it in a food processor as this lightens the mixture

  26. 这种金属易加工,延展性也好。

    This metal is workable and ductile .

  27. 尼龙是由空气、煤和水加工制成。

    Nylon is made from air , coal and water .

  28. 在一台机器上使用数种刀具来顺次或同时进行几项机器操作,将节省大量加工时间。

    It will save considerable machining time to use more than one tool in one machine to perform several machine operations either in sequence or simultaneously .

  29. 烟叶是用木柴的烟熏烤加工而成的。

    The tobacco leaves are cured in wood smoke .

  30. 它们可分为两类:可浇铸的和必须由挤压或模压加工的。

    They can be divided into two classes , those which are castable and those which must be processed by extrusion or compression molding .