
diàn yǐnɡ jiāo piàn
  • movie film
  1. 基于小波分解的电影胶片垂直划痕修复的研究

    Removal of Vertical Scratches in Old Movie Film by Using Wavelet Decomposition

  2. 把电影胶片或幻灯片转换成视频应该不费吹灰之力。

    Transferring cine film or slides to video should be a doddle .

  3. 我和沃尔特参照着一盘原始电影胶片录像带来检查镜头的剪辑和灯光。

    Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting .

  4. 他们存有关于闪电、龙卷风和飓风的电影胶片

    They had stock footage of lightning , tornados , and hurricanes .

  5. 金酸莓奖全称为GoldenRaspberryAward,创立于1981年,奖品是一个金色的草莓奖杯,奖杯底座是一个电影胶片夹。

    The Razzies , officially known as the Golden Raspberry Award , started in 1981 . Winners are presented with a golden raspberry on top of a film reel as a statue .

  6. 小于35mm的,已曝光和显影的电影胶片,不论是否包含声迹或只含声迹

    Cinematographic film , exposed and developed , whether or not incorporating soundtrack or consisting only of soundtrack width of less than 35mm

  7. 为防泄露,电影胶片运到电影院时用的名字是“Sundaye”。

    Film shipped to some theaters under the name " Sundaye " .

  8. GB/T6850-1986未曝光电影胶片片盒标签最低限度内容规定

    Labelling of containers for unexposed motion-picture film & Minimum information specifications

  9. 声音效果和对话录在上面的电影胶片。

    Motion-picture film with sound effects and dialogue recorded on it .

  10. 感光照片底片或电影胶片。

    A photographic plate or a piece of film so exposed .

  11. 附加在电影胶片上的新的声带。

    A new soundtrack that is added to a film .

  12. 这将是历史上最令人惊异的电影胶片。

    It 's the most startling film footage in history .

  13. 电影胶片掉胶问题的研究

    A study on the dissolution of gelatin from cine film

  14. 脱锭机构;芯棒抽出机构;(卷取机的)卸卷机构GB/T6848-1986电影胶片片卷片芯尺寸

    Stripper mechanism Dimensions of the cores for motion-picture film rolls

  15. 她非凡的表演才能在电影胶片里被保存下来了。

    Her marvellous acting talent is preserved on celluloid .

  16. 电影胶片从卷轴滑出缠绕在放映机上了。

    The film flew off the spool and wound itself round the projector .

  17. 几年以后,电影胶片碎裂了,但是到1953年仍旧存在几幅画面。

    Years later the films disintegrated but a few frames were still existent in1953 .

  18. 回顾我国电影胶片工业的起步

    A Historical Review of the Earlier March of Motion Picture Film Industry in China

  19. 在电影胶片上装载已记录的声音的窄带。

    A narrow strip on a motion picture film that carries the recorded sound .

  20. 一页一页,无数事实流淌而过,就像永无止境的新闻电影胶片。

    The fact stream flows on , page after page , like an unending newsreel .

  21. 感光电影胶片,未曝光

    Cinematographic film , sensitized , unexposed

  22. 每年它都要把成千上万又重又昂贵的电影胶片通过陆路交通送到电影院。

    Every year it sends thousands of heavy , expensive reels of film to cinemas by road .

  23. 把活动的电影胶片和二维动画电影片段结合起来是当时的发展趋势。

    It was a common trend at the time to combine live action film footages with 2D animation .

  24. 1960年,另外两个研究人员比较了电影胶片穿孔机操作人员的工作质量和数量。

    In1960 , two other researchers compared quantity and quality of work of operators of cine-film perforating machines .

  25. 照相胶片(不包括纸制的),已曝光和显影,不论是否打孔(不包括电影胶片)

    Photographic film ( excl. of paper ), exposed and developed , whether or not perforated ( excl. cinematographic film )

  26. 子弹击中肯尼迪时,业余摄影爱好者拍摄了黑白和彩色的普通照片及电影胶片。

    Amateurs were taking stills and movies of Kennedy in both black and white and color as the bullets struck him .

  27. 我沉醉电影胶片换卷的嘶嘶砰砰,电影画面角落的黑色斑点。

    I love the hiss and pop of vinyl and the black splotch in the corner when a movie changes reels .

  28. 凤眼莲对无锡电影胶片厂含银废水净化生产性应用实例

    The production test on the purifications of Ag in wastewater by water hyacinth ( eichhornia crassipes ) in Wuxi cinefilm factory

  29. 他构想出了一个骑士站在一个电影胶片卷轴上,手里紧握十字军之剑的雕像。

    He came up with a statuette of a knight standing on a reel of film gripping a crusader 's sword .

  30. 一位朋友为我拍了张照片,后来我在肯尼迪图书馆发现了这组握手的电影胶片。

    A friend took a photo for me , and later we found film footage of the handshake in the Kennedy Library .