
hǎi bīn yù chǎnɡ
  • bathing beach;bathing place;lido
  1. 门口的天涯海角也很有意思,人工的海滨浴场,波浪翻滚,很有大海的韵味。

    The entrance is also very interesting , the artificial bathing place , the wave tumbling , has the sea flavor very much .

  2. 有几家火爆的海滨浴场被查出不适于游泳,但是去年政府却宣布他们合格。

    Several popular beaches were found unfit for bathing although the government passed them last year

  3. 采用海滨浴场的沙为吸附剂,0号柴油为吸附质,研究了溶解性石油烃(DPHs)在砂上的吸附及解吸规律。

    The absorption and desorption of dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons ( DPHs ) in seawater are studied using sands from a bathing beach as absorbent material and 0 # diesel as absorbate .

  4. 星海湾人工海滨浴场的规划设计研究

    The planning and design of artificial beach in the Xinghai Bay

  5. 并使得鱼类死亡、海滨浴场关闭以及经济损失事件日益增多。

    Increasing fish kills , beach closures , and economic losses .

  6. 厦门海滨浴场的环境质量及容量研究

    Studies on environmental quality and capacity of Xiamen bathing beach

  7. 海滨浴场污染经济损失的定量化估值

    Quantitative evaluation on economic damage from the bathing beach polluted

  8. 温泉海滨浴场沙滩游戏“针刺”电音!

    Hot spring bath house beach & sea Acupuncture 's non-stop music !

  9. 海滨浴场的卫生细菌学调查及保护对策

    Hygienic Bacteriological Investigation of Bathing Beach and Its Protective Countermeasures

  10. 厦门海滨浴场救生管理工作初探

    A Tentative Study of Xiamen Seaside Swimming Rescue Management

  11. 地方政府关闭了海滨浴场,宣称海里有鲨鱼出没。

    The local government closed the lido announcing that some sharks were emerging there .

  12. 这是上好的海滨浴场。

    This is a fine bathing beach .

  13. 同时有火山、高原湖泊及太平洋沿岸的海滨浴场,景色宜人;

    It enjoys volcanoes , high plateau lakes and the bathing seashore around the coast of the Pacific .

  14. 一些地方的海滨浴场使用了了望台,它可以用来提醒人们海里是否有鲨鱼出现。

    In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to warn people about sharks in the water .

  15. 这里有亚龙湾中心广场、蝴蝶谷、海壳博物馆、网球俱乐部、高尔夫球场、海滨浴场等。

    There is Yalong Bay Central Square , Butterfly Park , Sea Shell Museum , Tennis Club , Golf Course , Beach Spa etc.

  16. 由于修建海滨浴场,改变了岸线的轮廓使水流发生变化,从驴驹河-独流减河潮间带表层沉积物粒度由粗变细;

    The reason is that the outline of the shore changes the water current as a result of building the shore bathing beach .

  17. 项目内容和建设规模:拟建三个四星级以上酒店、海滨浴场、森林野营度假区、休闲疗养区等。

    Coverage & Scale of Project Construction : three four-star hotels , bathing beach , forest camp vacation resort and leisure convalescent area will be built .

  18. 对我国第一个人工海滨浴场规划设计中所遇到的关键问题,进行了具有可操作性的研究。

    As the first in China , the Xinghai Bay Artificial Beach faced some key problems , which we have focused on and proposed the practicable solution methods .

  19. 阳光牌自助系列磁卡型寄存柜,适用于国内会员制超市、图书馆、海滨浴场、保龄球等使用磁卡进行管理的场所和企事业单位。

    This type of locker applies to the place that use intellectual card to consume , such as the membership supermarket , library , bowling club , bathing beach .

  20. 调查统计结果表明:就海滨浴场的水质现状而言,市民个人平均支付愿望仅为4元/a,如果水质改善后,个人平均支付愿望将增至40元/a;

    The statistical results showed that everyone desires just to pay 4 yuan / a on the average now , everyone will be increased to 40 yuan / a if quality of water improved .

  21. 杜尔和库达等处的海滩,是该岛景色最美的海滨浴场,这里沙细滩阔、海水湛蓝清澈。

    Shanaoer island , and the Naoshaduer of other places , the beaches , the island is the most beautiful scenery of the beach , where fine sand beach width , the clear blue water .

  22. 岛上有日光岩、菽庄花园、皓月园,郑成功纪念馆、海底世界和天然海滨浴场等旅游景点。

    On the island there are tourist attractions like the Sunlight Rock , the Shu Zhuang Garden , the Bright Moon Garden , the Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall , the Underwater World and the Natural Sea Resort .

  23. 同时加剧了湾内泥沙的淤积,在西大堤内侧形成新的潮滩,位于湾顶的老海滨浴场被淤废。

    Meanwhile , the siltation inside of the embayment became aggravated , a new tidal flat has been formed along the inner part of West Breakwater , and the old tourist beach at the head of the embayment can not be used now .

  24. 本文依据现场调查及测验结果,综合分析、评估厦门市海滨浴场的资源与质量的现状及存在问题,并依据现有沙滩资源估算海滨浴场的客容量。

    Based on the field investigation and testing result , we analyse and assess the present situation of Xiamen bathing beach , including it 's resource , quality and existing problem . Furthermore , we assess the capacity of bathing beach according to the beach resource now available .

  25. 午饭后,放好行李后,导游就带我们去“AAAA”级旅游景区&大角湾海滨中心浴场。

    After lunch , put away your luggage , guide to take us to the " AAAA " - class tourist attractions-Cape Bay Beach Center Beach .

  26. 这个旅游胜地有两家很棒的海滨沙滩浴场。

    The resort has two wonderful sandy bathing beaches .