
  • 网络Fashion Clothes;fashion clothing;Fashion Garments
  1. 他们似乎被时尚服装那多彩的面料,各种不同的款式所吸引。

    They seem to be attracted by colorful material , various styles of fashion clothes .

  2. 许多年轻人一提到时尚服装就兴高采烈。

    Many young people always go into raptures at the merely mention of buying fashion clothes .

  3. 提出采用联机分析处理(OLAP)进行时尚服装知识多维数据挖掘的方法。

    The online analytical processing ( OLAP ) method of fashion knowledge multidimensional data mining is proposed .

  4. NOVOMANIA旨在向中国市场展示最新鲜、最具活力的国际潮流时尚服装品牌。

    NOVO MANIA is an international fashion trade show which showcases and introduces young and fashionable brands in the Contemporary and Urbanwear space to the China market .

  5. 当然BCLN不只是功能性的运动服装品牌,它更是美观兼赏心悦目的时尚服装。

    BCLN is not only a functional sports brand but an exquisite , delightful , fun and stylish Fashion .

  6. 时尚服装款式与结构设计变化的研究

    Study on the Changes of Fashion Style and Pattern Design

  7. 感谢收看“怎样在促销季节购入时尚服装”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video Secrets Of Style : The Sales

  8. 比起时尚服装,他还是偏爱中装。

    He prefers traditional Chinese clothing to fashionable clothing .

  9. 对你的时尚服装提出建议的人。

    Someone who advises you about fashionable clothing .

  10. 论述了时尚服装概念设计决策支持方法的概念和架构。

    The concept and structure of fashion conceptual design decision support is proposed in the paper .

  11. 时尚服装与文化进步

    Fashion Dress and Culture Development

  12. 如果你想在一月份的促销季节购入时尚服装,请观看这段视频……

    If you want to know about doing the clothes shopping sales in style , then watch this .....

  13. 这家高街时尚服装厂牌决定于本周以159英镑的价格再次发售这款礼服,不过销售地区仅限美国而已。

    The High Street chain has decided to re-release the ? 159 dress this week but only in the U.S.

  14. 有一些商店专门出售回收的时尚服装。你把不需要的东西卖给这些商店可以赚取一些外快。

    Selling your unwanted items to shops that specialize in selling fashionable recycled clothes can earn you some extra money .

  15. 论述了通过数据仓库进行时尚服装概念主题和服装元素概念设计决策支持的方法。

    The method of fashion conceptual design decision support for fashion themes and elements based on data warehouse is discussed .

  16. 短裙,长上衣,休闲长裤,毛衣链,项链,吊式耳环,内衣肩带,时尚服装等。

    Short skirts , long jackets , leisure pants , sweater chain , necklace , hanging-style earrings , lingerie straps , fashion clothing .

  17. 而且,沉湎于时尚服装的人们不得不花费更多时间逛商店,更加注意自己给别人的印象。

    Furthermore , people who addict to fashion clothes have to spend more time going shopping and pay more attention to the impression they make on others .

  18. 特别是对处于复苏的市场经济和面临的困境,这些快时尚服装品牌的设计及展示都采取了自己的新谋略,并获得较大的成功。

    To difficulties of market economy in recovery , in particular , these fast fashion clothing brand design and display adopted their new strategy and achieve greater success .

  19. 这些货物不是医药或者紧急物资,但是速度同样至关重要:输送的货品乃是尖端时尚服装,在世界各地大受追捧。

    These are not shipments of medicines or emergency rations , but speed is just as vital : the goods are clothes of the latest fashion , in hot demand everywhere .

  20. 在同行业中,我们的信誉好、服务好、性价比高、款式众多、新款更新快、货源充足。芊秀服饰致力邀请并严格挑选各厂商携手联盟,共同推出物美价廉的各款最新时尚服装。

    Qian-Xiu Clothing is committed to a rigorous selection process the invitation and join the various vendor alliances to jointly introduce a Wumart Price The sections of the latest fashion apparel Lian .

  21. 竭尽全力为全球每一位热爱生命,推崇个性生活的方式的品位一族提供丰富的时尚服装,满足引领新生代对自我的追求。

    Make every effort to love the world of every life , highly personalized form of quality of life provide a rich family of fashion apparel , to meet the new generation to lead the pursuit of self .

  22. Harry穿着时尚的服装。先是穿了套蓝色西装,之后换了一套与蓝色一样宽松的黑色西装。

    Harry put on a fashionable display himself switching from his blue suit into an equally as suave black one .

  23. 但是,时尚精品服装生产商HugoBoss却预计,今年在西班牙赚取的利润将超过2007年。

    Yet posh suit maker Hugo Boss expects to make more money in Spain this year than in 2007 .

  24. 随着日本人开始用售价23美元一件的抓绒外套来搭配他们价值2000美元的手表,日本休闲服饰零售商FastRetailing就通过旗下廉价但时尚的服装,把握这一变化带来的商机。

    Japan 's Fast Retailing , with its cheap-but-chic clothing , has been cashing in , as people match $ 2,000 watches with $ 23 fleece jackets .

  25. 穿著时尚的服装是我生命中重要的一部分。

    An important part of my life and activities is dressing smartly .

  26. 时尚类服装的短期需求预测方法

    A Methord of Forecasting the Short-term Requirement of Fashion Products in Apparel Industry

  27. 时尚汇服装产品覆盖全国,设立专门的女装批发网;

    ShiShanHui clothing covering the whole country , set up a special womens distribution networks ;

  28. 时尚绵羊服装革制作工艺

    Manufacture Technology of Fashion Sheepskin Garment Leather

  29. 我们致力为企业各界人士提供质优、时尚的服装!

    We are committed to the business community to provide high quality , stylish clothing !

  30. 这些快时尚给服装行业带来的变化对其供应链管理提出了新的要求。

    New requirements of supply chain management has been required because of " fast fashion " changes in clothing industry .