
  • 网络oceanic island;Sea Island;Sea lsland
  1. 传统上将岛屿分为大陆岛、海洋岛(火山岛与珊瑚岛)和冲积岛。

    Traditionally , islands are divided into continental island , oceanic island ( volcanic island , coral island ) and alluvial island in the ocean .

  2. 通过重磁数据处理解释推测认为:两条NW向的次级隆起将海洋岛隆起与刘公岛隆起连接起来,同时将北黄海盆地分成3部分;

    After processing gravity and aeromagnetic data , we infer that the Haiyang Island and Liugong Island uplifts are connected by two smaller uplifts in NW direction , and these two smaller uplifts divide the North Yellow Sea basin into three parts .

  3. 首先,总结了几年来海洋岛海域养殖栉孔扇贝死亡的特征。

    The features of the scallop numerous death in some years have been summed up .

  4. 太阳辐射、黄海暖流余脉、深层冷水涌升对海洋岛附近海域夏季水温分布与变化的影响

    Impact of solar radiation , remanent of Yellow Sea warm current and upwelling of DEEP-COLD-WATER on water temperature distribution and variation around Haiyang island in summer

  5. 海洋岛海域水温异常波动与养殖栉孔扇贝死亡的关系

    The relation between the abnormal change of water temperature and the scallop ( chlamys farreri ( jones et etpreston )) death in Haiyang island sea area

  6. 这只石头猴子和海洋中的岛上的其它猴子成为了朋友。一天,他们发现了位于花果山的峭壁上的瀑布。

    One day they found a waterfall in front of a cliff of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit .

  7. 爱德华王子岛归属于加拿大的海洋之“岛”,它是加拿大最小的省份。

    Prince Edward Island , often referred to by Maritimers as " The Island ," is Canada 's smallest province .

  8. 从历史与国际海洋法看黄岩岛的主权归属

    On the Sovereignty Ownership of Scarborough Reef Based on History and International Law of the Sea

  9. 大连的海洋食品企业獐子岛渔业集团,重复利用剩鱼来肥沃庄稼。

    Zhangzidao Fishery Group , a Chinese aquaculture company , recycles uneaten fish feed to fertilise crops .

  10. 海洋公园位于香港岛南岸一座山峰的两侧,公园分为两部分。

    Ocean Park is built on both sides of a mountain on the south side of Hong Kong island . The park is divided into two sections .