- marine facies;sea facies

Similar to those in Core Bc-1 , the depositional strata in the area have obvious corresponding relation to the glacial-interglacial cycles , that is , the continental facies strata were formed during the glacial periods , and the marine facies strata were formed during the interglacial periods .
Compile a casing strength optimize design program which is fit for austral marine facies area .
The hydrocarbon systems situated in Belt A and Belt . B have been intensively destroyed .
The geochemical characteristics of natural gas exhibit a great variations with respect to composition of hydrocarbon , C_6 & C_7 light hydrocarbon , isotope and so on .
Cutting Logging Methods While Using PDC Drilling Bit in Southern Marine Facies Stratum
C seam was deposited in the initial period of transgression . It is a kind of in-situ bark liptobiolites containing a large quantities of marine animal fossils of different phylum .
As a non hydrocarbon gas , CO 2 mainly comes from thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate in Miocene marine calcium bearing sandy shale induced by upwelling of hot fluid .
Genesis of Natural Gas in Marine Carbonate of Sichuan Basin and Bitumen Evidence of TSR Alteration
Subvolcanic rocks of the mantle type related to Cu , Pb and Zn multi-metal mineralization of the pyrite type belong to the series of ore-bearing volcanic rocks of the marine facies .
The REE patterns of analyzed sediment rocks in the Pingxiang basin are similar to those of the upper crust and typical Archean shales , and show enriched LREE and flat HREE with obvious Eu-and Ce-anomalies .
Basic characteristics of tectonics in the Qilian Mountains and its neighbourings ── on genetic environments of Early Paleozoic marine volcanics another generation to carry on the Stewart name .
Generally speaking , the enrichment of Cu , Zn , Ni , P , Ba are related to the inner matter of the earth , so the fluids of interior earth has some effect on the enrichment and preservation of the organic matter .
LOWESS Fit of strontium isotope stratigraphy for the marine facies strata in the upper Yangtze Platform
The paper details the compositions of the carbon and oxygen isotopeS in marine carbonate rocks from Luodian profile and analyzes the factors influencing δ 13C and δ 18O carefully .
Four types of faults trending in three directions have developed in marine Mesozoic of the eastern Pearl River Mouth basin and offshore western Taiwan , including NE ? trending reverse faults , NE ? trending normal faults , WNW-EW ?
The Mn / Sr value considers the Mn content for control factors of cathodoluminescence and the relative content of the marine versus terrigenous elements . So the Mn / Sr ratio is the relatively comprehensive discrimination criterion for controlling the alteration of marine carbonate .
Geochemical study of hydrocarbon source rocks of marine strata in the Jianghan basin shows that the total organic carbon ( TOC ) content does not decrease markedly during the maturation of organic matter and is an effective geochemical indicator for organic matter content evaluation .
The organic maturities of Cambrian through Triassic are evaluated according to the correlation of conodont CAI with vitrinite reflectance ( Ro ) . The significance of this study is that it will benefit oil and gas exploration from marine facies of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Units in this area .
North Qilian mountains is one of the most important copper mineralized belts in China , Volcano-associated massive sulfide ( VMS ) deposition is the main type in the area .
Based on the above , the paper also elaborates systematically the evolution of δ 13C and δ 18O in the Permian marine carbonate rocks and its relation with sea level change and establishes the evolution curves of the carbon and oxygen isotopes in the Permian period .
That the values of δ 34S of sulfides are close to that of sulfates in the ore field suggests that sulfur in ore-forming fluid mainly came from sulfate reduction and thermochemical sulfate reduction ( TSR ) maybe the most possible reduction mechanism .
The variation trend of this curve is consistent on the whole with that of the contemporaneous strontium isotope curves constructed using samples from Huishui , Guizhou , China , and from North America , showing the importance of strontium isotope curves for the chronostratigraphic cor-relation of marine strata .
The pre-orogenic stage (ⅰ) was a stable marine sedimentary stage .
Reconsideration on marine petroleum exploration prospects in the middle Hunan depression
Petroleum Geology of Marine Sequences and Exploration Potential in Southern China
Dissolution Kinetic Characteristics of Ordovician Marine Carbonate in Central Tarim Basin
Optimization and application of casing program in deep marine gas well
A new scheme of biostratigraphic delimitation between marine Permian and Triassic
Some early Cretaceous marine and brackish-water gastropods from Eastern Heilongjiang Province
The Meditation of Exploration in Marine Carbonate Areas in South China