
  • 网络Hispaniola;haiti
  1. 这一濒危物种生活在多米尼加共和国的雅拉瓜国家公园,位于海地岛南部的贝娅塔岛。

    This endangered species lives in Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic and on Beata Island off the southern coast of Hispaniola .

  2. 多米尼加小姐加冕环球小姐王冠,这对于多米尼加共和国来说还是首次。多米尼加共和国是一个西班牙语国家,与贫困的海地共同坐落在海地岛上。

    It was the first time a contestant from the Dominican Republic , a Spanish-speaking country that shares the Caribbean island of Hispaniola with impoverished Haiti , was crowned Miss Universe .

  3. 属于或关于西印度群岛中的海地岛的。

    Of or relating to the West Indian island of Hispaniola .

  4. 在奴隶清除森林和甘蔗田的活动中,海地岛的生态系统遭到严重破坏。

    The island 's ecology is wrecked as slaves clear forest and sugar fields .

  5. 在雅克梅勒镇举办的狂欢节是海地和伊斯帕尼奥拉岛其中一个最令人感兴趣的文化变现。

    Carnival in Jacmel is one of the most interesting cultural manifestations in Haiti and in Hispaniola .

  6. 这也是艾萨克预计到达由多米尼加共和国和海地组成的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛的时间。

    That 's also when Issac is expected to hit Hispaniola , the island made up of the Dominican Republic and Haiti .