
  • 网络Hailun;hailun city
  1. 海伦市水土资源GIS的建设与应用

    Establishment and application of GIS for land and water resources of Hailun county

  2. 海伦市土地利用变化的GIS分析

    GIS-based Analysis on Land-Use Change in HaiLun City

  3. 海伦市林业局森林分类区划界定

    The Ares Delimits of Forest Classification in Hailun Forestry Bureau

  4. 海伦市水旱灾害分析及防治对策

    Analysis and Preventing Measures for Flood and Drought Disasters in Hailun City

  5. 平原旱田、沼泽地和有林地是海伦市的3个主要景观类型。

    Plain glebe , marsh and forest land are the three main landscape types .

  6. 选取海伦市1999~2001年数据进行计算,取平均值代表近年来该地区玉米生产潜力。

    Data from 1999 to 2001 were adopted to calculate the potential maize productivity and get the average as the final result .

  7. 通过对黑龙江省海伦市近30年的大豆产量、气象资料进行分析整理,找出大豆产量与气象条件的关系。

    Through analyzing the soybean output and the meteorological data of30 years in Helen City of Heilongjiang Province , the relationship between soybean yield and meteorological condition was found out .

  8. 针对以上分析,建议对海伦市景观结构加以合理规划,适当控制林地和草地的开垦,避免耕地过度扩张所造成的环境破坏及水土流失等问题,保持海伦市景观生态系统的平衡。

    To keep the balance of Landscape system of Hailun city , we should avoid destroying environment from over dilation of farmland and control of soil-erosion should be carried out .

  9. 火灾于凌晨发生在海伦市联合敬老院住院处,这里位于省会哈尔滨以北200千米的地方。

    The fire broke out overnight in the inpatient building of the Lianhe Senior Nursing Home in the city of Hailun , which is about 200-kilometers north of the provincial capital , Harbin .

  10. 海伦市景观格局有所改变,景观多样性和均匀度持续减少,优势度指数有所增加,说明在14年内海伦市景观多样性程度持续下降,景观结构趋向于一种或几种景观类型支配总体景观。

    Diversity and evenness of Landscape were decreased constantly and dominance index was increased slightly . It suggested that diversity of Landscape has been decreased constantly and structure of Landscape seems to be single or several Landscape types for Hailun city in recent fourteen years .

  11. 与实际产量相比,光能、光温、气候资源利用率以及农业自然潜力利用率分别为10.7%、48.3%、60.9%、72.4%,海伦市玉米生产仍然有较大的潜力。

    Compared with the reality on maize productivity in Hailun , the use efficiencies of PPP , TPP , CPP and LPP are 10.7 % , 48.3 % , 60.9 % , 72.4 % , respectively , which means that there is still great potential in Hailun .