
  • 网络subprime crisis;Subprime mortgage crisis;subprime lending crisis
  1. 美国次贷危机背景下中国制造业的SWOT分析

    China manufacture industry 's SWOT analysis under the background of USA subprime crisis

  2. 和美国次贷危机爆发前家庭杠杆率的惊人涨幅不同,中国家庭债务大概只相当于GDP的17%,而美国约为96%,欧元区为62%。

    Unlike the dramatic increase in household leverage that precipitated the US subprime crisis , Chinese household debt amounts to approximately 17 per cent of gross domestic product , compared with roughly 96 per cent in the US and 62 per cent in the eurozone .

  3. 瑞银(UBS)日前对其投资银行业务展开了一次大规模改组,以降低自营业务所承担的风险,此前该银行在美国次贷危机中遭受了重大损失。

    UBS has launched a shake-up of its investment banking division to reduce proprietary risk-taking after suffering heavy losses in the US subprime mortgage meltdown .

  4. CorporateFX的KevinGyateng来到CNN跟大家探讨美国次贷危机和英格兰银行降息的问题。

    Bank of England cuts rates Kevin Gyateng of Corporate FX joins CNN to discuss the mortgage crisis in the U.S. and a rate cut from the Bank of England

  5. 论文撰写于由2008年美国次贷危机演变为全球金融危机之时,且近10年来,我国国内上市公司被ST的公司数额占上市公司总数的比率呈逐年递增。

    This thesis is written when American loan crisis evolved the whole world financial crisis in 2008.For the past 10 years , the domestic ST listed companies ratio was increased year by year .

  6. 作为美国次贷危机最大的受害者之一,瑞银(UBS)接受新加坡和中东大规模注资、以改善资本比率的计划遇到股东的反对。

    UBS , one of the biggest casualties of the US subprime turmoil , faces a shareholders ' revolt over plans for a massive infusion of funds from Singapore and the Middle East to improve its capital ratios .

  7. 此举旨在防止再次出现近几个月来瑞银(ubs)等银行所遭遇的那种大规模、出乎意料的损失,这些损失是美国次贷危机引发的。

    The move is intended to prevent a recurrence of the type of massive , unexpected losses that emerged at banks such as UBS in recent months , as a result of the subprime turmoil in the US .

  8. 上述损失尤其惊人,因为PelotonABS是此轮美国次贷危机的大赢家之一,去年上涨了87%,因此前该基金押注低质抵押贷款将会下跌。

    The losses are particularly striking because Peloton ABS was one of the big winners from the US subprime crisis , gaining 87 per cent last year after betting against low-quality mortgages .

  9. 瑞银(UBS)昨日求助于瑞士政府向其提供今年的第三次融资,这家美国次贷危机的最大欧洲受害者之一希望结束其问题信贷敞口。

    UBS yesterday turned to the Swiss authorities for its third capital raising this year , as one of Europe 's biggest casualties of the US subprime crisis tried to draw a line under its exposure to troubled credits .

  10. 但adb警告:“尽管美国次贷危机对新兴东亚经济体的波及有限,但股票与房地产价格的飙升,也带来几个金融脆弱性的迹象。”

    Still the ADB warned that " despite limited spillover into emerging East Asia from the US subprime turmoil , there are several signs of financial vulnerability related to sharp gains in equity and real estate prices . "

  11. 中国银行(BoC)表示,尽管该行在相关领域遭受亏损,但依然支持进一步发展中国新生的资产担保证券市场。在亚洲的银行中,中国银行受美国次贷危机的影响最大。

    Bank of China , which had the biggest exposure to the US subprime crisis among Asian banks , said it was in favour of expanding China 's nascent market for asset-backed securities despite suffering losses from such holdings .

  12. 本文以美国次贷危机为背景,在总结归纳出次贷危机在产品创新方面的经验教训后,着重研究REITs作为证券化的不动产所兼具的双重特质,为中国推出REITs产品提供理论依据。

    Given the background of American subprime mortgage crisis , this dissertation focuses on the dual characteristics of REIT as a securitized real estate and provides a theoretical basis for the launch of REITs in China after summing up the lessons of subprime crisis regarding product innovation .

  13. 进入2l世纪,伴随着全球化的市场竞争的不断深化,科学技术日新月异技术更新加速,而全球经济形势变化多端,势态凶猛,2008年美国次贷危机引起的华尔街风暴,最终演变为全球性的金融危机。

    Since 21st century , with the global market competition continuous development , the science and technology innovation are updated quickly , and the global economic situation changes quickly , the 2008 Wall Street economic crisis caused by US sub credit crisis finally turned to a global financial crisis .

  14. 从不同的角度分析了美国次贷危机对美国经济的影响。

    Analyzed the influence upon the American economy from different angles .

  15. 美国次贷危机对全球经济的影响研究

    Study on the Influences to Global Economy by American Sub-prime Crisis

  16. 美国次贷危机与我国房贷风险防范对策

    The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and China 's Mortgage Risk Countermeasure

  17. 美国次贷危机对我国风险管理的警示

    Warning of the United States Sub-loan Crisis to Chinese Risk Management

  18. 美国次贷危机中的公允价值:争论与反思

    Fair Value for American Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis : Debate & Pondering

  19. 2007年美国次贷危机爆发,逐渐发展为席卷全球的金融海啸。

    The sub-prime crisis has gradually developed into a global financial tsunami .

  20. 美国次贷危机与中国房地产金融风险防范

    Subprime Loan Crisis and Precaution on Real Estate Financial Risks of China

  21. 美国次贷危机的原因分析及对中国的启示

    Analysis on Reasons of American Subprime Crisis and Its Enlightenment to China

  22. 美国次贷危机其实是一种消费理念的危机。

    Subprime Mortgage Crisis is actually a consumption concept crisis .

  23. 美国次贷危机及其对中国房地产市场的影响

    Sub-loan Crisis of America and Its Effects to Chinese Real Estate Market

  24. 美国次贷危机:对世界经济格局的再思考

    American Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis : Rethinking of International Economic Pattern

  25. 中国金融产品创新中的信息需求&基于美国次贷危机视角

    On the Information Demand of China 's Financial Product Innovation

  26. 2007-10年美国次贷危机的爆发引发全球市场的震动。

    The 2007-10 subprime crisis has caused great economic downturn .

  27. 美国次贷危机与现代服务业主导的经济结构

    Economic Structure Determined by American Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Modern Service Sector

  28. 美国次贷危机救助的法律规制及启示

    The Legal Regulation and Enlightenment on American Relief to Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  29. 美国次贷危机蔓延为全球金融海啸:路径剖析与对策选择

    Financial Tsunami : An Analysis of Its Spreading Routes and Options of Countermeasures

  30. 这两个特点在很大程度上决定了美国次贷危机爆发的必然性。

    These two characteristics to much extent lead to the subprime loan crisis .