
  • 网络The American Nation;Americanism;Americans
  1. 论西部观念与美利坚民族的使命

    On the Idea of the West and Mission of American Nation

  2. 美利坚民族认同问题探究

    On The Issue of American Nation Identity

  3. H、美国F.美利坚民族的一体多元性

    H and F. The Diversity and Unity of American Nationality

  4. 与西方其他国家相比,美利坚民族是个爱好结社的民族,美国是世界上利益集团数量最多的国家。

    America is the country with the most interest groups .

  5. 我向你们承诺--我们美利坚民族将实现这一目标!

    I promise you : We as a people will get there .

  6. 美利坚民族的土地要求及其阶段性后果

    Consequences of Certain Stages in the Evolution of Territorial Demands by the United States

  7. 英法对北美整体性的认可与美利坚民族的形成

    British and French Promotion of North America 's Unity and the Birth of American Nationality

  8. 在不同的时期西部观念始终贯穿着美利坚民族的使命并且均起到很大作用。

    In different periods , the western idea invariably embodies American national mission and takes great effect .

  9. 随着美国政治社会的逐渐形成,法律至上主义成为美利坚民族的共同的价值取向。

    As American society gradually established , all the Americans pursue and observe the rule of law .

  10. 新时期国格的特点与种类移民与美利坚民族性格

    A Study on the Characteristics and Category of the National Character and Morals in the New Period

  11. 他的个人成功也诠释了美利坚民族的觉醒和奋斗的历程。

    His personal success was also annotating the United States ' ethical awakening and the process of struggle .

  12. 1929年10月纽约证券市场崩盘,大萧条接踵而至,美利坚民族陷入一场空前的经济灾变中。

    So in October 1929 , the New York Stock Market fell sharply and the Great Depression followed subsequently .

  13. 威尔逊看重道德,认为美国的特殊历史造就了美利坚民族独特的民族性格,美国是世界道德的典范,是楷模,是上帝选中的管理世界的选民。

    Wilson stressed morality and considered that the unique US history built the unique character of the America nation .

  14. 美利坚民族的产生、发展以及民族性格的形成,与移民密不可分。

    The emergence and development of the American nation and the formation of its national character are closely related to such immigration .

  15. 中产阶级作为美国社会的中坚,典型地反映出美利坚民族的精神、价值观和信仰。

    Middle class is the solid force of American society which typically informs the spirits , values and beliefs of the American nation .

  16. 美利坚民族最常为人注意的通性之一就是它的不安分、不满足和不断的探索。

    One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless , a dissatisfied , a searching people .

  17. 散文《论自立》是爱默生的主要作品之一,对美利坚民族个人主义思想的形成以及当代作家思想基础的形成起到了促进作用。

    His essay Self-reliance is one of the major writings that helped carve the ethnic American individualism and form the intellectual basis of today 's writers .

  18. 英法七年战争与美利坚民族的形成&1763年后英国的新殖民地政策对美利坚民族形成的影响

    The Seven Years ' War and the Birth of American Nationality & The Impact of New English Colonial Policies after 1763 on the Birth of American Nationality

  19. 美利坚民族的文化价值观是其本质原因,而其本质特点则体现为对理想主义和现实主义两大外交传统的异化。

    It essentially originated from the American culture value , and its entitative character is embodied in the dissimilation of the two diplomatic traditions called idealism and realism .

  20. 1630年的清教徒移民,便把这个观念移植到了北美的英国殖民地并在基督教的语境之下将之与美利坚民族的使命联系起来。

    In 1963 , puritan immigrants transplanted this idea to the British colony in North America and liked up with the mission of American nation in Christian context .

  21. 就这一点而言,保守主义者具有优势,因为他们可以号召人们为了美利坚民族(而非抽象的理想)而担任公职。

    In this regard , conservatives have an advantage because they can call people to public duty on the basis of the American nation rather than abstract ideals .

  22. 但无论如何,肯定性行动促进种族融合、建构美利坚民族的宗旨还将被替代方案继续传承下去。

    Nevertheless , the purpose of the Affirmative Action to promote the racial integration and national construction will continue to be passed along by the replaced program in the future .

  23. 美利坚民族的国民信仰,根深蒂固的清教徒意识及其独特的民族经历和民族文化是其在全球范围内实行文化霸权的历史原因和内在源泉。

    The firm national belief , the inveterate mission sense of the Puritan , and the unique national experience and culture constitute the history cause and inner source of its worldwide cultural hegemonism ;

  24. 麦尔维尔正是通过《白鲸》中海洋形象的塑造,想象了一个文学上独具美国特色、精神上敢于拼搏、社会发展上后来居上的美利坚民族。

    Through the image of the ocean in Moby Dick , Melville imaged a new American nation , Which distinctive features literature , owned bravery to strive in spirit and developed rapidly in economy .

  25. 移民对美利坚民族性格的影响表现在五个方面:多样性,个人主义,平等自由精神,求实精神,迁徙性。

    The impact of immigration on the American national character has manifested itself mainly in five aspects , namely , diversity , individualism , the spirit of equality and liberty , practical attitude and migration .

  26. 主要从追溯美利坚民族独特的文化渊源入手,探究影响美国外交思想的文化价值观的溯源,并突出强调其核心内容。

    Mainly starting with the unique ethnic and cultural origins of the United States , it analyzes the origin of American cultural values influencing on the United States diplomatic thinking and highlights its core content .

  27. 美国西进运动是美国国内的一次大规模移民拓殖运动,是美国人对西部的开发过程,也是美国城市化、工业化和美利坚民族大融合的过程。

    The west movement in the contemporary American history is known as a process of a large-scaled colonial expansion , further opening-up of the western territory , urbanization , industrialization and national merging in the States .

  28. 本文通过对美国文学中荒野老人形象的研究,试图揭示美利坚民族建构父亲形象、确立自我身份的民族文化心理。

    This paper attempts to study the old man of the wilderness in American literature so as to reveal the American national cultural psychology in constructing the image of their forefather and thus establishing their own identity .

  29. 第一部分主要是从美利坚民族独特的政治文化传统的角度剖析美国外交传统所蕴涵的理想成分和现实因素,并对其基本点作了扼要的提炼和概括;

    The first part mainly analyzes the elements of idealism and realism in America 's diplomatic tradition from the perspective of America 's peculiar political culture tradition and then make brief refinement and generalization of their basic points .

  30. 移民们和而不同,对美利坚民族性格和美国精神的形成和发展产生了重要影响,对美国社会经济文化的发展做出了重要贡献。

    The harmonious mixture of different races had a great influence upon the forging and devel-opment of the character of the American nation and American spirit and has made great contributions to the develop-ment of American economy and culture .