
  • 网络Karnak;karnak temple;temple of karnak
  1. 从这里我们乘上一辆马车,去参观卡纳克神庙。

    From here we took a horse drawn carriage to visit Karnak which isn 't just a temple ;

  2. 我们已经完成了美国国际开发署资助的卡纳克神庙和卢克索神庙排水项目,其他许多地方的工作也在进行之中。

    We have completed a USAID-funded effort to de-water Karnak and Luxor temples , and work is underway in many other places .

  3. 中国游客叶先生在参观卡纳克神庙时,在石头教堂、塔门和石柱间迷路了。

    Visiting the complex of ancient temples at Karnak , Chinese tourist Mr. Ye lost his way among the stone chapels , pylons and pillars .

  4. 保护自己的偏见、本能和观点时,每个人的借口都很多&古埃及谚语,来自卢克索和卡纳克神庙和坟墓。

    Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices , his instincts , and his opinions . & Ancient Egyptian Proverb , from the temples and tombs of Luxor and Karnak .