
  • 网络CALLAO
  1. 如果一切如计划所愿,那么到2012年,来自位于秘鲁安第斯山脉托罗莫乔铜矿(Toromocho)的第一批铜就将被火车和卡车运往卡亚俄一座造价七千万美元的崭新码头之中;

    IF ALL goes to plan , by2012 the first shipments of copper from Toromocho , a mine in the Peruvian Andes , will be sent by train and truck to a new $ 70m wharf in the port of Callao .

  2. 加西亚?贝朗德希望此举能激励更多的中国投资,尤其是在需求迫切的运输基础设施领域的投资,比如在卡亚俄和其他港口的项目。

    Mr Garc í a Belaunde hopes this will encourage further Chinese investment , especially in sorely needed transport infrastructure , such as at Callao and other ports .