
  • 网络caracalla;CaraCara
  1. 震感传到了那不勒斯(意大利西南部,震中在中部),首都罗马历史悠久的卡拉卡拉浴场也遭到了破坏。

    The tremors were felt as far away as Naples and damaged the ancient Caracalla baths in Rome .

  2. 1990年意大利世界杯足球赛期间,在罗马卡拉卡拉豪华浴场举办的最初的那场音乐会是为了给乔斯挣点钱。

    The original concert in the Caracalla baths in Rome during the time of the1990 World Cup soccer tournament in Italy was created to make some money for jose .

  3. 卡拉卡拉鹰吃不同的食物如昆虫和腐肉。

    Caracaras have a varied diet that includes insects and carrion .

  4. 然而,在公元212年,罗马皇帝卡拉卡拉宣布所有的没有束缚的人,无论他们出生在何方,都是罗马的公民。这在当时引发了争论。

    However , this was all made moot in A.D. 212 , when Emperor Caracalla declared all free men to be citizens of Rome , regardless of their place of birth .