
  • 网络kathmandu valley;Kathmanduvalley
  1. 一名政府发言人表示,大部分捐赠的氧气瓶将被分配给加德满都谷地的大型国营医院。

    A government spokesperson says most of the donated cylinders will be distributed to large government-run hospitals in Kathmandu Valley .

  2. 不安全的饮用水可能会在尼泊尔首都加德满都谷地的居民健康构成严重威胁,专家警告说。

    Unsafe drinking water could potentially cause a serious health hazard for residents in the Nepali capital Kathmandu Valley , experts warned .

  3. 尼泊尔的种姓制度源于印度。随着梨查维人进入加德满都谷地并建立王朝,种姓制度在尼泊尔开始萌芽。

    The caste system of Nepal had its origins in India .

  4. 尼泊尔政府还从4月29日开始对加德满都谷地实行封锁,并在该国不同地区发布了限制令。

    The Nepali government also imposed a lockdown across Kathmandu Valley starting from April 29 and restrictions have been issued in different parts of the country .