
  • 网络mosquitoes
  1. 我们在沼泽地遭受蚊群围攻。沼泽湿地陷落体救助拉拔模型试验研究

    We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp . STUDY ON DRAWING MODEL OF SLUMPING SALVAGE IN SWAMPY LAND

  2. 感染乙型脑炎病毒的蚊虫在蚊群中的分布特点

    The incidence and distribution of Japanese encephalitis virus infected mosquitoes in Fengxian

  3. 蚊群移动的时候会保持一个形状。

    The swarm maintains a kind of shape as it moves around .

  4. 相反地,蚊群按需扩张低于最大密度。

    The swarm instead expands as needed to stay just below the threshold density .

  5. 他们给蚊群拍摄了超慢速运动录像。

    They shot ultraslow-motion video of swarming midges .

  6. 但是蚊群里面的文字随机飞行而不是像鸟一样保持队形。

    But the bugs inside it seem to flit about randomly rather than flocking like birds .