
  • 网络State owned legal person shares;state-own legal-person shareholder;SLS
  1. 因而出现了在国有法人股的拍卖会上,参会的竟买人还不够法定人数的情况。

    An example is that in the auction for state-owned corporation stocks the attendants are less than the required .

  2. 而第一大股东为国有法人股股东在盈利信息披露的及时性方面明显好于第一大股东为其他股股东。

    And the companies whose largest shareholder is state legal person shares are better in the earning information disclosure timeliness than other shares .

  3. 在相对控股情况下,与国有法人股、国家股相比,法人股相对控股下会计盈余的信息含量更高。

    Comparing with the legal person share and the state share , I find the state legal person share corporations ' information content of accounting earnings is more remarkable .

  4. 1995年7月5日,日本五十铃和伊藤忠商事株式会社以协议方式,一次性购买了北旅公司总股本25%的非国有法人股,成为外资并购中国上市公司的首例。

    Japanese company and corporation purchased non-state corporation stock about 25 % of capital stock of north traveling company one-off by protocol on 5th July 1995 , this is the first case that foreign capital merge china company in the market .

  5. 从本文的经验检验结果来看,第一大股东为国家股股东除在盈利信息披露的及时性方面较差外,在盈利信息的稳健性和透明度方面都好于第一大股东为国有法人股和其他股股东。

    From the empirical conclusions , the companies whose the largest shareholder is state share is better than whose largest shareholder is state legal person shares and other shares in the conservatism and transparency of earning information , except in the disclosure timeliness .

  6. 当前我国上市公司股权结构中国有股(包括国家股和国有法人股)处于控股地位,这使得协议收购成为我国目前上市公司收购的主要形式。

    The present share structure of the listed companies in China is quite different from other countries as in which the state-owned shares are no doubt in the controlling position , which contributes to the fact of acquisition by agreement being the mainly acquisition form in China today .

  7. 我国上市公司代理人问题产生的特殊原因在于公司治理结构的缺陷,国有股法人股的绝对控股地位及其非流通性直接导致了代理人问题的产生。

    The very cause of the problems of agents for listed companies in China lies in the deficiency in the companies ' administrative structure , the absolute holding role of fixed and corporate stocks and their non-circulation .

  8. 新体制背景下,应结合证券市场体制发展的两大走向:金融混业经营与国有股法人股的全流通化,利用证券犯罪抗制作出回应。

    The writer discussed how to response to securities crime in the background of new system considering two trends in the development of securities market system , namely , financial mixed management and full circulation of state-owned stock and corporation stock .

  9. 尽快解决占绝对控股地位国有股、法人股的流通问题,推一西安理工大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文一动上市公司建立有效的法人治理结构和激励约束机制;

    Immediately resolve the currencies of state-owned stock and corporation-owned stock which occupy absolute control status in almost all issued companies , impulse to set up effective companies ' father framework and emotion-restriction mechanism .

  10. 对中央关于国有股和法人股可适当流通政策的探讨

    Discussion on the Policy about Circulation of State Share and Corporation Share

  11. 股权性质主要分为国有股、法人股和流通股。

    It includes state-owned shares and legal person shares and outstanding shares .

  12. 派现与国有股、法人股比例成二次非线性关系;

    Cash dividend is quadratic non-linear relationship to state-share 's proportion and corporate-share'proportion .

  13. 上市公司股份分为流通股和非流通股,流通股以A股为主,非流通股包括国有股和法人股。

    The share of listed company is divided into circulating stock and non-negotiable stock .

  14. 对第一大股东国有股还是法人股的正相关不显著。

    We also find no positive significant relation between stock price and the first controlling non-circulating shareholder .

  15. 此外,以往的研究中都是按照国有股、法人股、流通股等分类进行的,而没有特别的考虑自然人股东情况,这也是以前研究的不足之处。

    In addition , the former research was done according to state-owned shares , corporation-owned shares , circulating shares .

  16. 股权集中度与公司绩效相关性不显著,国有股、法人股及普通股持股比例与公司绩效之间均不呈现显著相关关系。

    Each of state ownership , legal person ownership and individual ownership has no significant effect on firm performance .

  17. 国有股、法人股的存在降低了二级市场的流动性,导致证券定价缺乏效率,从而降低了社会福利。

    This paper delves into the intrinsic relationship among the presence of state and legal-entity shares , market liquidity and social welfare .

  18. 其中,国有股和法人股作为全民所有制企业进行股份制改革的主要成分股,在整个企业股份中占主体地位。

    Among them state-owned shares and legal person shares are the main part shares during the stock system reform for state-owned companies .

  19. 我国目前的股权构成主要有国有股、法人股和流通股。

    Constitution of ownership in our country at present mainly has the state-owned stock , the legal stock and the circulation stock .

  20. 国有股和法人股对公司业绩的影响&公用事业型上市公司的实证研究

    The Impacts of State-owned Share and Legal Share on the Corporate Performance & An Empirical Study of Listed Public Utility Companies in China

  21. 其中第一大股东为流通股时反映最为显著,国有股和法人股次之。

    The first major shareholders of tradable shares , reflected the most significant . The state-owned shares and legal person shares behind it .

  22. 在中国股市初期,国家用行政的方式确立了股权分置的形式,即上市公司股份按能否上市交易被区分为非流通股和流通股,国有股、法人股暂不予以流通。

    In the initial stage of China stock market , the government set up the system of share-allocation system by the administrative way .

  23. 凡禁止外商投资的,其国有股和法人股不得向外商转让;

    The state-owned shares or corporate shares in any industry in which foreign investments are prohibited shall not be transferred to foreign investors ;

  24. 流通股股东获得对价的基础在于非流通股股东在股份发行之初有关所持国有股、法人股暂不流通的承诺构成与流通股股东之间的合同。

    The basis of the consideration is that the promises of non-circulating shareholders constitute a contract between the shareholders and shares in circulation .

  25. 任何地方、部门不得擅自批准向外商转让上市公司国有股和法人股。

    No department or local authority may approve the transfer of State-owned shares and legal person shares in listed companies to foreign investors without authorization .

  26. 股权集中度与公司经营绩效无关;国有股、法人股及流通A股与经营绩效均不呈现相关关系。

    Each of ownership concentration degree , ownership structure , legal person share , and circulate A-share has no significant effect on the company 's performance .

  27. 股权结构呈现多元化,形成了国有股、法人股和公众股,其中国有股处于绝对控股的地位。

    Ownership structure appears diversification , and formed state-owned share , enterprise share and the public share , which state-owned shares is in a holding position .

  28. 向外商转让上市公司国有股和法人股,应当符合《外商投资产业指导目录》的要求。

    The transfer of State-owned shares and legal person shares in listed companies to foreign investors shall comply with the requirements of the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue .

  29. 目前我国证券市场不能参与市场流通的国有股和法人股约占总股本的60%。

    At present , in our stock market the state-own shares and legal-person shares which can not participate in the market circulation are about 60 % of the total equity .

  30. 二是实行上市公司产权制度的改革,以国有股、法人股代理人制度为基础,建立上市公司的内控治理机制;

    Reform the management system of the listing companies , and establish the listing companies corporate governance system based on the agent 's system of the state ownership shares and legal person shares .