
  1. 通过对服务质量满意度测评研究,实现公共服务资源更为合理的分配与利用。

    Through the evaluation of the quality of service satisfaction research , we can achieve more reasonable distribution and utilization in the public service .

  2. 大量移民涌入带来的公共服务资源紧缺也会让本地人大大失去耐心,尤其是当预算削减使得此类服务难以维系下去的时候。

    Strains on public services can sorely test the patience of locals , especially when budget cuts are making it hard to maintain such services .

  3. 该问题的经济、社会性质决定了不能完全依靠市场途径解决,政府必须负起责任来,尤其应通过立法、监管等保证公共服务资源提供、分配中的公平、合理。

    The government is responsible for the issue of diverse services , which ensures the equitable , reasonable allocation of public service through legislative , regulatory and other means .

  4. 因地制宜,实事求是,符合城市自身产业结构发展的特点,在公共服务资源总量能够承受的范围之内,开放体系,明确待遇,降低门槛,提供便捷的人性化服务。

    Adjust measures to local conditions , seeking truth from facts , accord with the characteristics of the city industrial structure , in the scope of the public service resources to withstand , open system , the specific treatment , lower threshold , provide convenient humanized service .

  5. 基于QoS的社区公共服务网格资源调度

    Resource Scheduling of Community Service Grid Based on QoS

  6. 模块可以从逻辑上引入另一个模块的公共服务和资源,将它们包含到地址空间中。

    Modules may logically import another module 's publicly exposed services and resources incorporating them into the address space .

  7. 然后对重庆农村公共卫生服务资源的供给与需求现状问题进行研究以及对重庆市农村公共卫生需求特点、存在问题进行剖析。

    Then research the resources of rural public health services issues of supply and demand status of public health needs in rural areas of Chongqing City , and the characteristics of issues and strategies .

  8. 为了增强发展战略的可操作性,本文结合中山区实际,制定了战略实施的具体规划,明确了战略实施需要的法律、政策、公共服务和资源保障。

    For the effectiveness of the development strategy , the paper looks into the facts , figures out specific plans and demonstrates that the practice of the strategy needs legislation , policy , public service and material guarantees .

  9. 接着将测算结果和城乡居民年人均年生活消费支出进行了相关性分析,发现城乡基本公共卫生服务资源均等化程度和城乡居民消费的相关度最高。

    Then take correlation analysis on the result and the residents ' annual per capita consumption between urban and rural areas , founding that the degree of correlation with the equalization of basic public health service resources and residents ' consumption is the highest .

  10. 从物理上来说,NetKernel系统是由模块组成的,这些模块通过URI地址暴露出公共服务接口和资源。

    Physically , a NetKernel system is composed of modules which expose public service interfaces and resources via URI addresses .

  11. 区域公共服务平台R&D资源共享有效性分析

    Analysis of the Effectiveness of R & D Resource Sharing Based on Regional Public Service Platform

  12. 整合利用现有公共技术服务平台资源,避免重复建设。

    We shall integrate and use the existing public technical service platform resources , and avoid repeat constructions .

  13. 实际上恰恰相反,因为经济增长也能够创造出正可以大力用于扩大公共服务的政府资源。

    Indeed , quite the contrary , since economic growth also generates government resources that can be powerfully used precisely to expand public services .

  14. 网络信息时代,档案网站已经成为档案馆进行对外宣传推广、深化公共服务、实现资源共享的重要窗口与平台。

    The era of network information , archives websites has become an important window and platform for the archives to promote themselves , deepen the public service and sharing resource .

  15. 根据联合国全球电子政务发展状况报告,提升公共服务能力和资源整合已是电子政务的发展趋势。

    Based on a United Nations ' development report of global e-government , it has become a trend of E-Government to improve capacities of public services and intergrate governmental resources .

  16. 志愿服务除了增进社会福利,还需要在完善社会建设与共治、促进公共服务、优化资源配置、引领社会文化方面发挥独特且显著的作用。

    Voluntary service in addition to improve social welfare , still need to play a unique and significant role in perfecting social construction and virtue , promoting the public service , optimizing the allocation of resources , leading the social culture .

  17. 为了满足各种航天任务仿真和分析的需要,论文设计了航天装备资源访问的标准接口和公共服务,即资源访问协议,从而实现了资源存储方式和资源表示的无关。

    In order to satisfy the requirement of various space mission simulations and analysis , a standard interface and common service for access to the system resources , that is , resource access protocol , is designed , thus the independencies of resource storage manner and resource representation are realized .

  18. 一定的公务员数量和结构是国家和政府履行其社会管理和公共服务职能的人力资源保障。

    Certain quantity and structure of the civil servants is country and government to fulfill its social management and public service function of human resources .

  19. 为了缓解公民不断增长的公共服务需求与政府资源紧张之间的矛盾,我国政府逐步将体育公共服务推向了市场,进行多元化运作。

    In order to ease the conflict between citizens ' growing demand of public service and the shortage of government resources , our government has led the public service of sports to the market , conducting diversification operation .

  20. 公共服务是开展数字资源长期保存的目的之一,评估对这些公共服务项目起到指导和促进作用,必将会使数字资源长期保存公共服务体系走上一条持续、健康的发展之路。

    Public service is one objection of long-term preservation of digital resources . Evaluation of these public services can play a role in promoting and guiding them . In this way can long-term preservation of digital resources in public service system embarked on a sustained , healthy development road .

  21. 现阶段要增加基本公共服务的供给数量,但更应重视受益问题,通过扩大基本公共服务的受益范围使基本公共服务资源惠及全民。

    Governments need to increase the quantity supplied of basic public services , and pay more attention to the problem of benefit . Governments also need to make public resources available for all the people by expanding the benefit scope of basic public services .