
  1. 科学发展观视域下的公共政策调整与创新

    Adjustment and Innovation of the Public Policy in the View of the Scientific Concept of Development

  2. 反坝,还是建坝?&国际反坝运动反思与我国公共政策调整

    Opposing Dam or Building Dam ? - Analysis on the International Anti-Dam Movement and Policy Recommendations for China

  3. 从现实意义上来讲,相关的公共政策调整经验则具有重要的借鉴和参考价值。

    For its practical significance , it has important referring values on the relative experiences of public policy adjustment .

  4. 可持续发展视野中的公共政策:调整与创新

    Public Policy in a Perspective of Sustainable Development : Readjustment and Bringing Forth New Ideas

  5. 我国国内层面的区域经济合作的迅速发展,要求我国的区域公共政策适时调整。

    However , Chinas regional public policy shows deficiency in the setting of goal , principle , executive institution and tool , coordinating and monitoring mechanism .

  6. 这一假说能够合理解释当前中国居民人力资本投资需求强烈这一典型化事实,并为中国公共教育政策调整提供了一定的政策依据。

    As a result , the analysis not only has explained properly the stylized fact which concerns strong demand of human capital investment in China , but also leads to some important implication on the policy adjustment of public education in China .

  7. 试论WTO形势下公共教育政策的调整

    On adjustment of public education policy under WTO situation

  8. 以公共体育政策视角调整弱势群体体育利益失衡

    Adjusting Imbalance of Disadvantageous Groups Sports Interest by the Visual Angle of Public Sports Policies

  9. 公共政策的目的在于调整和规范社会利益结构,以促进社会,经济健康,快速发展,从根本上有利于实现最广大人民群众的根本利益。

    Public policy aims at regulating the structure of interests to promote the healthy and rapid development of society and economy .

  10. 公共政策终结作为对公共政策调整或终结,是公共政策协调利益的重要环节之一,而其本身在进程中牵涉到了对利益格局的调整,存在着引起利益冲突的可能。

    Policy termination will cause the adjustment to the pattern of interests , and it is possible to conflict of interest .